A Fun Weekend
on Sarah Easter (Vietnam), 24/Mar/2010 15:05, 34 days ago
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This past weekend, my dear VSO friend from Hanoi came down for a visit. Despite our age gap (she's in her 50s and I'm in my 20s) we really connect and always have such a good time together. This past weekend was no exception.We had the opportunity to explore some true treasures of Hue that are a little off the beaten path including a colliseum arena where people of Hue's past would fight elephants and tigers (the elephants represented the monarch and the tigers represented rebellion so the elephants would always win the fight), a Japanese covered bridge situated in the beautiful, incredibly green countryside and a Chinese meeting house in the ancient part of Hue. In addition to these historical visits, we ate some yummy Vietnamese food, went to a Vietnamese/Western party at a high end hotel in town, went to English club, etc., etc. Needless to say, the weekend was action packed and enjoyable.Below are some picture highlights from the weekend: