My First Week In Hue
on Sarah Easter (Vietnam), 05/Feb/2010 05:35, 34 days ago
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Tomorrow will mark my one week anniversary in Hue, my home for the next year. Sitting here at the computer, reflecting on the past week, it is hard to believe all that has occurred since I arrived last Saturday night.When the other VSO volunteer and I landed at the airport in Hue on Saturday, our employers and translators were waiting outside the terminal with flowers in hand. They took us to eat at a nice Vietnamese restaurant in town and truly treated us as honored guests.The accommodating gestures didn't stop there! On Sunday, our translators took us around the city and showed us some of the highlights of a truly beautiful and peaceful town. That night I went to a Vietnamese mass with my translator. Unfortunately, with my limited knowledge of Vietnamese, I was unable to pick up most of what was happening throughout the service, but I can say that the singing was absolutely beautiful.My first week at the vocational training center for children with disabilities has been great as well. I have spent this week just getting acclimmated with my coworkers and the center's activities. My coworkers and the children are so friendly and accommodating. I have to keep reminding them that I am here to work alongside them and that they can treat me as a member of the staff -- they are continually checking on me to ensure that I am ok and that I have had enough to eat.The major challenge at work will be communication. My translator is absolutely wonderful, but is it difficult not being able to communicate directly with my coworkers in a effective manner. Hopefully, the more time I am immersed in the Vietnamese culture, the better my Vietnamese will become (at least I hope so!)In addition to learning more about the center, this week I learned how to make a bamboo basket (with a little bit of added help from some of the children at the center!), played soccer, practiced a little bit of Vietnamese and took part in a graduation ceremony at the school. I also sang kareoke and had some good Vietnamese food.This weekend, I am going to learn how to ride a motorbike, go dancing and possibly go to a soccer match.Now, if the other VSO volunteer and I can simply secure a house here, life will be grand.I will post some pictures of Hue when I get better access to the internet.Tam biet! (Good bye)