Farewell Hanoi, Hello Hue
on Sarah Easter (Vietnam), 28/Jan/2010 14:59, 34 days ago
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It is hard to believe that I have been in Hanoi for nearly three weeks and that tomorrow will conclude the training portion of my placement. Looking back to when I arrived on the 11th, I feel as though I have been here for a few months rather than just a few short weeks.Tonight my current roommate and I took a bus into the city, had dinner at a nice cafe by one of the many lakes in Hanoi, and walked around a part of the city we had not yet experienced. We felt very comfortable getting on and off the buses, exploring the city, chatting with locals and crossing the streets. This is a far cry from the nervous and slightly hesitant persona that I brought with me just a few short weeks ago.I feel as though I have grown tremendously already since I arrived (it is amazing what can unfold when you do not let fear stop you!). In my time here in Hanoi, I have begun developing great friendships, picked up a little bit of the Vietnamese language, eaten some truly fantastic food, tried my hand at Vietnamese karaoke and card games, and explored just the tip of this fantastic city. I certainly look forward to coming back and visiting in the months to come!While I will certainly miss being in Hanoi, a city that is extremely vibrant and alive with energy, I am looking forward to getting settled into my placement in Hue. After my wrap up Vietnamese lessons tomorrow and a going away party tomorrow night, I will be headed for Hue by plane on Saturday morning.A few final pictures of Hanoi below including yummy Vietnamese street food and downtown Hanoi at night time:My next posting will be in Hue! Xin Chao!