Looking forward
on Karen in Maputo (Mozambique), 28/Dec/2008 17:23, 34 days ago
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OlaI am thinking forward to what lies ahead with trepidation! I am facing a new placement and am not sure what is expected of me! I am trying to adjust to African time, customs, politeness protocol, new language with a little bit of frustration. I will go to the Pedagogical University to meet colleagues in January. I am looking forward to that...I am missing my family, friends, colleagues, my very new partner (I think? Will he change his mind?). This is all very new to me. I have many new VSO friends and for that I am very thankful.This is a country of contrasts - streets and sidewalks in terrible condition, garbage overflowing, garbage not picked up for a month, old beautiful architecture, smiling people everywhere, frowning people who smile beautifully when you say "bom dia"!!! Mozambicans have been through wars of independence, supposed civil wars (not really), and general economic downturns the likes of which we, in the western world, have not experienced. Yet, they smile and seem reconciled/happy? with their existence. I am too cynical to accept that in toto but am amazed at their resilience!I want my family, friends, colleagues and partner to know how much I miss them and think of them. I am on doxycycline for malaria so dreams are vivid! All about you and all nice, warm and reassuring!Love Karen