We are the champions, my friends
on Rose Hardman (Rwanda), 09/Sep/2010 11:00, 34 days ago
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I moved into Alphonse’s French/Kinyarwanda group today. I didn’t always understand what was going on but I think I understood sufficiently and it was a good way to pick up French as well.We had a trip into Kigali centre today to see the Embassies and Health centres. We had an amusing moment at the Polyclinic. The matatu dropped us off outside and an Administrator came out to greet us. We assumed that we must be having a tour so followed him in like dutiful volunteers and sat down in the waiting room. Christine then follows us in to ask what we were doing in there. She hadn’t arranged a tour at all! By this time it was too late as the Administrator had already started so we then had to be shown round the entire clinic- including the rooms with patients in- the gynaecology room included!In the evening, a current volunteer Vanessa, organised a quiz for us at a bar near to the programme office. We must have looked an odd sight as we were walking there as the rain had been lashing down just before we left so we were all waterproofed up to the nines. However, it had stopped by the time we left so it was really unnecessary to be wearing our shiny waterproofs and walking boots to a bar! This seems to happen a lot here- the rain is incredibly heavy for ten minutes or so and then stops for the rest of the day. It was announced today that tomorrow is a bank holiday (this seems to happen a lot too!) The roads were really busy so we presumed that was because everyone was taking advantage of the long weekend- not much difference to the UK in that respect!My quiz team came last in the quiz however that actually meant that we ended up being the winners as the losers got a prize of a massive bag of sweets! We shared of course!The 'winning' quiz team