on Sarah Easter (Vietnam), 10/Oct/2010 07:20, 34 days ago
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This past week I traveled with some of the Hope Center staff to Hoi An to take part in a week long product development workshop aimed at helping craft producers better understand how to create intentional, meaningful products for their given customer bases. The course focused on product design and development including trends, product life cycle, colors, textures, etc.While the course in and of itself was useful and will certainly be of help to the Hope Center in the future, for me the best part of the trip was simply getting to spend time with my coworkers outside of the typical work setting -- working on new product designs, playing Vietnamese card games, walking around Hoi An, eating meals, telling jokes, trying to talk to one another with my limited Vietnamese and their small knowledge of English and, of course, laughing ALOT.I am glad to be back in Hue after a busy week away and ready for some much needed rest and relaxation, but I am thankful for the time I got to spend with the Hope Center staff. I really am going to miss them when I leave in just two short months, especially their zest for life and their generous and hospitable spirits.