Blue Mountains Extravaganza
on George Hamilton (Jamaica), 23/Jan/2011 22:49, 34 days ago
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I promised a friend I would keep an eye on the Blue Mountains because we have two nights booked in a rustic cliff side guest house for their visit in a couple of weeks and I don't want it to be two days and nights amongst rain clouds with a visibility of zero while all of Kingston is enjoying sunshine below.The higher range mountains have been difficult to see recently from our apartment and watching them so closely, I became obsessed. As a result we made a reservation for Sunday brunch at Strawberry Hill, a resort frequented by the rich and famous such as Mick Jagger, Bono, Phil Collins, Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder, Sting and Their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales (that's Charles and Diana), just to mention a few. They probably all stayed overnight, but we ate breakfast there.The rain started the minute we drove through Papine and we wondered what we were doing and why we were doing it. It rained all the way up through the mountains, heavy at times, but when we arrived, the showers let up and we enjoyed our brunch on the verandah overlooking the swimming pool and the incredible view of Kingston below.