Title: Sustainable Dignity (India)

Status: Active

URL: http://sustainabledignity.blogspot.com/

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Worldwide VSO Network - 07/Sep/2011 07:53 - 4837 days ago
Gina writes:There have been many times in the past few years when I've realized what a great thing it is that VSO places volunte...

Ganesh Puja - 02/Sep/2011 09:06 - 4842 days ago
Gina writes:Yesterday was a holiday to honor Ganesh, the elephant-headed god of knowledge and remover of obstacles. He's one of ...

My Latest Project - 30/Aug/2011 10:16 - 4845 days ago
Corey writesI've just passed a milestone in the "main" project I've been working on during the second year of my placement. But ...

Homeward Bound - 25/Aug/2011 10:40 - 4850 days ago
Gina writes:In 3 months, we’ll be sitting down to an amazing turkey dinner to celebrate Thanksgiving… with our families… i...

Crafting the Night Away - 22/Aug/2011 11:27 - 4853 days ago
Gina writes:Contrary to what you might think, we havea lotof free time here. That means that I've had the opportunity to do lots...

It's Raining Dogs and Dogs! - 16/Aug/2011 09:28 - 4859 days ago
Gina writes:Nothing much going on here lately, so here are some random tidbits from the past few weeks.DogsFromprevious entries,...

Attitudes and Experiences - 10/Aug/2011 11:39 - 4865 days ago
Gina writes:The idea that I want to write about today is difficult to put down in words but I'll try my best, since it's somethi...

Smelhi Delhi - 04/Aug/2011 09:59 - 4871 days ago
Gina writes:Last week, Corey and I were both in Delhi for 4 days to attend a VSO meeting. Here is a smattering of thoughts about...

The Taj Mahal - 01/Aug/2011 15:45 - 4874 days ago
Corey writes:Gina and I have been looking for an opportunity to tick off a big box on our“Things to do in India” list: see t...

Green Gina (and Corey) - 27/Jul/2011 11:15 - 4879 days ago
Gina writes:In thinking about how my time in India has changed me, one significant change that comes to mind is a whole-hearted ...

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