Title: Camarooned Clara (Cameroon)

Status: Active

URL: http://camerooned-clara.blogspot.com/

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twenty ten calling - 06/Jan/2010 15:09 - 5446 days ago
hello and welcome to 2010! woo hoo january!back in maroua after the great southern getaway... dare i confess to being happy to b...

December - 13/Dec/2009 15:53 - 5470 days ago
Coucou! One last missive from the dusty dry north before hitting the lush south on Tuesday. Cannot wait to get away! Not seeing ...

it's in my blood - 19/Nov/2009 13:57 - 5494 days ago
Hello.Been a while once more, and am feeling especially incapable of presenting my life in a neat concise paragraph friendly for...

Untitled - 19/Oct/2009 14:18 - 5525 days ago
NEWSFLASH - photo update!sooo, due to popular demand (!) am displaying herewith some photos of my experiences thus far. admirabl...

marching days - 06/Oct/2009 17:19 - 5538 days ago
Djam na!Sorry to slip of the radar a while back there. But i don't even know who i'm apologising to...?Blogs blow my mind!Moved ...

Fulfulde for beginners - 17/Sep/2009 19:29 - 5557 days ago
Djabbama! gotta share with you my knowledge after some local language classes.-djam na! (hey, what's up)-djam (i am fine.)-djam ...

on est ensemble - 09/Sep/2009 21:44 - 5565 days ago
Hi from maroua! Arrived here yesterday after spending first week on phase one training in yaounde (the capital.) Was pretty thri...

pre-departure preamble - 23/Aug/2009 20:51 - 5582 days ago
hi everyoneI've got my own blog! WOO!Something so incredibly self-indulgent in writing about nothing but yourself. I think I wil...

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