Title: 12 Months in Kenya (
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The ritual of contribution and significance - 05/Jul/2011 10:19 - 4902 days ago
I cannot believe the purpose of life is to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compa...
The man eaters of Tsavo - 14/Jun/2011 15:59 - 4923 days ago
A little bit of Kenyan history for you which I learned enroute to Tsavo National Park last weekend:In March 1898 the British sta...
Navigating Nairobi in a small yellow car - 03/Jun/2011 12:56 - 4934 days ago
It took a long time to find the right car; months of bargaining, mechanical examinations and bullshit. Poor Saed, my mechanic, e...
Kenyan English - 24/May/2011 13:19 - 4944 days ago
As a Speech& Language Therapist in Kenya, I am a keen observer of Kenyan English. Working alongside children with speech and...
public transport in Kenya - 29/Jan/2011 10:41 - 5059 days ago
Buying car in kenya - 29/Jan/2011 09:24 - 5059 days ago
After a long break from my blog, I've decided to take up writing again. The title will have to change as I've now been in Kenya ...
My 12th month in Kenya - 31/Aug/2010 14:25 - 5210 days ago
Its my one year anniversary in Kenya so time for a quick update. This month has been interesting. I met a guy called Johnnie who...
Lamu - 26/Jul/2010 09:24 - 5246 days ago
Just back from the lovely coast of Kenya, a relaxing place where beach boys serenade and then..ask for money. Lindi and I met a ...
Mob justice - 04/Jul/2010 11:03 - 5268 days ago
Last Wednesday,I was delivering a training program in Malaba, near Uganda, to parents of children with disabilities.I was encour...
Pimp my ride - 26/Jun/2010 12:15 - 5276 days ago
The other day while whizzing down a highway in Nairobi in a battered health and safety risk matatu, the wheel fell off. I was se...
Is sexual harassment to blame for crashes? Daily Nation, Kenya - 06/Jun/2010 15:52 - 5296 days ago
I came across this hilarious article in the Daily nation last week. Only thing is, it wasn't meanttobe funny. It goes like this....
Delicious ambiguity at Semana Santa de Sevilla - 09/May/2010 12:50 - 5324 days ago
Some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle, and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and m...
Slaintate(slainte + ate)- a blend of Irish&Spanish, meaning cheers to you - 09/May/2010 12:29 - 5324 days ago
Absence from blog - 08/May/2010 15:18 - 5325 days ago
Just returned from one month's holidays in Spain..will update blog v soon with details and some photos. Stressed already and onl...
TRUE IRISH GHOST STORY..in honour of St. Patrick - 20/Mar/2010 10:21 - 5374 days ago
..forwarded by a friend... This happened a while ago, and even though it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock story, it's true.John B...
Untitled - 10/Mar/2010 13:33 - 5384 days ago
Hell's Gate photos - 09/Mar/2010 11:47 - 5385 days ago
Just returned from a weekend trip at Hell's Gate,Naivasha. Sounds more stunning than the name suggests. Trixie and I decided to...
Where's the outrage? - 27/Feb/2010 11:04 - 5395 days ago
Recently, while reading the daily soap opera paper devoted to rivalpoliticians,The Daily Nation,I came across an article which h...
Untitled - 27/Feb/2010 10:48 - 5395 days ago
Up and down - 06/Feb/2010 11:24 - 5416 days ago
Visiting Karen Blixen's house last Sunday with a group of friends, I noticed a poster on the wall about her life and writing. Au...
Saying goodbye to paradise - 19/Jan/2010 13:24 - 5434 days ago
Carlos left yesterday.We spent his last 4 days in Africa together as luckily he missed his flight home on Friday. Convincing him...
Hotel Cliff beach villas - 05/Jan/2010 08:49 - 5448 days ago
Well just returned from paradise, Zanzibar island, where I spent 12 amazing days. Most days were spent on the beach rusting my s...
Impunity and the Siamese twins - 17/Dec/2009 16:42 - 5467 days ago
The headlines of the Daily Nation today read:"How corruptofficialsstole free primary school cash"Several senior officers at the ...
The hospital, new apartment and Christmas plans - 08/Dec/2009 09:59 - 5476 days ago
So I havefinallymoved out of the Mbagathiway apartment.. away from the constant noise of traffic and over to the peaceful ground...
My brother's wedding - 24/Nov/2009 11:42 - 5490 days ago
Ollie and Leanne got married on Sat 14thNovember inCashelchurch, Connemara. I was glad I could make it. It only took 14 hours to...
How the other half live in Kenya including myself! - 31/Oct/2009 17:41 - 5514 days ago
Your health is your wealth - 12/Oct/2009 17:02 - 5533 days ago
I have survived my first month in Nairobi and it hasn't been easy! I got over my initial shock in the first few weeks after bein...
first week - 13/Sep/2009 18:31 - 5562 days ago
I have just settled into my apartment off the Bogathi Road near the city centre of Nairobi. I seem to have landed on my feet. My...
10 days to go - 23/Aug/2009 16:05 - 5583 days ago
I' m sitting here on the couach in Inchicore after a long week of leaving parties, birthday parties and catch ups. I'm exhausted...
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