Title: Kelti Giles (Rwanda)

Status: Active

URL: http://keltigiles.blogspot.com/

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Uganda! - 10/Dec/2010 13:44 - 5108 days ago
Since there is no school on in Rwanda at the momemnt, I decided to take a short vacation to our neighbouring country of Uganda. ...

Workshop in Nyamata - 18/Nov/2010 10:51 - 5130 days ago
The teacher's in my sector were too busy for workshops this month (national exams, English training from the gov't and vacation ...

Gorilla Weekend! - 04/Nov/2010 13:17 - 5144 days ago
One of the main reasons people visit Rwanda is to see the almost-extinct gorillas of the mist, that are now protected thanks to ...

New Workshop - 17/Oct/2010 07:29 - 5162 days ago
In Rwanda, the school semester ends in October with local and national exams. This is followed by 2 months vacations where volu...

Bees in my Bonnet - 06/Oct/2010 10:36 - 5173 days ago
A couple of weeks ago, I came home to find part of my ceiling collapsed along with a huge beehive and a bunch of dead bees (ther...

Birthday Weekend! - 25/Sep/2010 09:03 - 5184 days ago
For the first time in my life, I spent my birthday in Africa (although it is not the first time spending my birthday overseas - ...

VSO Family Dinner - 21/Sep/2010 08:47 - 5188 days ago
Early September saw the arrival of 19 new VSO volunteers to Rwanda (unfortunately, none of them coming to my district). They ha...

Back to work! - 28/Aug/2010 05:20 - 5212 days ago
I've now been back in my placement for 2 weeks&doing workshops as well as classroom observations with the teachers in my distric...

Holiday in Zanzibar - 13/Aug/2010 11:30 - 5227 days ago
My 1st vacation from my placement in small-town Rwanda was to the exotic spice island of Zanzibar, off the coast of Tanzania. ...

Waiting, workshops,&more waiting - 20/Jul/2010 11:24 - 5251 days ago
Trying to do workshops with teachers during the most important exams of the semester was probably not the wisest move, but yours...

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