Title: David and Ginette Johnstone (Cameroon)

Status: Active

URL: http://johnstonejournal-ginette.blogspot.com/

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My guardian angel works overtime - 01/Dec/2010 16:55 - 5118 days ago
Do you believe in angels? I do - my life has been blessed with so much good fortune, timely occurrences and luck of the dra...

Who would have thought? - 22/Oct/2010 13:54 - 5158 days ago
Who would have thought that Dave and I would be living and working in sub-SaharanAfrica?Who would have thought that we would be ...

Julie's Visit - 14/Oct/2010 09:44 - 5166 days ago
I am very sad to say that Julie's visit is almost over– but I am so grateful that she was able to come and spend this very spe...

Are we there yet? - 30/Sep/2010 11:58 - 5180 days ago
The alarm goes off at 6:30 am. Dave gets up, dresses and is out the door. He is going to the bus station to pick up ti...

A Bemenda Wedding - 15/Sep/2010 10:14 - 5195 days ago
It is the first Saturday in September. Being non-African, we arrived at the church on time– 11:00 sharp.  It is a be...

Working children - 01/Sep/2010 10:32 - 5209 days ago
Last Thursday, when it was very quiet, I went to get something from the shelf at the other end of the meeting room. As I wa...

A very full weekend - 19/Aug/2010 11:31 - 5222 days ago
Catholic Mission, NdopWe intended to travel to Ndop (1 hour out of Bamenda) on Friday morning, for a day long VSO volunteer meet...

New Placement - 07/Aug/2010 13:53 - 5234 days ago
After all this time, I finally have a new placement. All was finalized yesterday (Friday).My new organizations is the North West...

Visiting the Extreme North - 07/Aug/2010 13:41 - 5234 days ago
For those of us who live in Canada, even in the UK, it is hard to imagine that any place in Africa, let alone Cameroon, could be...

Belo - 20/Jul/2010 21:14 - 5252 days ago
If you have not heard from me yet about my placement, it is because I still don’t know…. There is a potential placement in t...

The news finally came - 08/Jul/2010 08:44 - 5264 days ago
Monday morning, I go into the office as usual. I am expecting Berry to come in but she does not appear. The cleaning lady, Grace...

A conference like none I have ever seen - 01/Jul/2010 14:33 - 5271 days ago
On June 22 to 25, Hope for the Widows and Orphans Ministry (HWOM) held its Conference of Hope - a conference like none I have ev...

About roosters - a diversion - 23/Jun/2010 12:42 - 5279 days ago
Let me start with a big thank you for all the comments and e-mails of support I have received in the last couple of days.  ...

Things change so quickly! - 21/Jun/2010 05:40 - 5281 days ago
Those of you who read my last blog will know what a struggle it was for me to leaveCanadaand return toCameroon.  Things cha...

It's just that... - 16/Jun/2010 15:45 - 5286 days ago
It isn’t that I don’t want to return to Cameroon, it’s just that I don’t want to leave Canada. It is very difficult to l...

Making a House a Home - 13/May/2010 20:42 - 5320 days ago
One step at a time, Three Little House is becoming our home. We really like our new house. It isn’t fancy but it is just what ...

Labour Day Parade - 05/May/2010 19:49 - 5328 days ago
“We have to be there by 8 am” Dave says. I chuckle. “As if anyone is going to show up by 8 am. This isAfric...

The Plight of Widows in Camroon. - 28/Apr/2010 14:02 - 5335 days ago
Every day, I have reason to reflect on how fortunate we who live in the west are. In Canada for instance, when a woman loses her...

Three Little House - 26/Apr/2010 11:13 - 5337 days ago
Yes, we are now in Three Little House! We moved a week ago today and we are pleased.It was time we left Two Little Hou...

Sad Goodbyes - 22/Apr/2010 09:17 - 5341 days ago
When we arrived in Cameroon as new VSO vollunteers, there were 13 of us. 3 went to the Far North. Now 5 more are leaving us– a...

Our Saturday in Pictures - 14/Apr/2010 09:19 - 5349 days ago
We had a great Saturday.  We woke and got out of bed a little later than usual, having promised Hein, our dutch friend and ...

You know its hot when.... - 04/Apr/2010 10:34 - 5359 days ago
You know it’s hot when you can’t walk from the bedroom to the living room without breaking into a sweat.You know it’s hot ...

Thinking out loud - 01/Apr/2010 09:25 - 5362 days ago
Dave and I have now been in Cameroon for a month! We are in our third week at our placements– so much has happened.We had both...

Sounds of the Morning - 28/Mar/2010 20:20 - 5366 days ago
A distant rooster announces the coming of dawn. The skies are still dark and the night still quiet, but all this is about to cha...

Week One - 24/Mar/2010 14:07 - 5370 days ago
Those of you who know me will be shocked! Shocked I tell you.  I have been awake by 7 every morning  (to the sounds of...

One little house, two little house, three little house...? (14 Mar, 2010) - 16/Mar/2010 09:21 - 5378 days ago
We have now slept two nights in our two little house. The people from Hope for Widows and Orphans Mission (HWOM) worked hard to ...

Infrastructure (11 March, 2010) - 15/Mar/2010 20:16 - 5379 days ago
We who live in the western world do not realize how lucky we are!Cameroon is a beautiful country, a microcosm of the Africa with...

The Road to Bamenda (March 6, 2010) - 08/Mar/2010 22:11 - 5386 days ago
It is 7 a.m. when the phone rings. It is Menge, our host/coordinator. We need to be downstairs by 7:45, to get to the bus depot ...

Thoughts after 1 week. (Mar 6,2010) - 07/Mar/2010 21:49 - 5387 days ago
Thirteen of us have received‘In country training” this week. Tomorrow, we leave Yaounde for our final destination, Bamenda f...

First Day in Yaounde - 04/Mar/2010 18:09 - 5390 days ago
From the window of our 3rd floor room, I can see that life starts early in Yaounde. At 6:45 in the morning, vendors are already ...

Four suitcases, two carry-on bags and my umbrella. - 02/Mar/2010 12:06 - 5392 days ago
It is 3:30 a.m. when the alarm clock sounds. I am still reading my book and Dave is dozing. It is time to head for the airport t...

48 hours - 27/Feb/2010 22:40 - 5395 days ago
Hi all,The flat has been deep cleaned, the suitcases have been packed (hopefully below the weight allowance), we have had our la...

One week to go... - 21/Feb/2010 22:27 - 5401 days ago
Time has been crawling and racing at the same time. And all of a sudden, we only have one week left before we leave for Bamenda...

3 weeks today.... - 07/Feb/2010 22:02 - 5415 days ago
Hi all,Well we are down to the wire, we think.The last rabbies shots are done; all the medicals have been passed; (950 GBPs of m...

Jabs and more jabs.... a new home - 13/Jan/2010 03:21 - 5440 days ago
Dave and I returned from Canada just over a week ago. Our time there was very busy as we enjoyed special family time and holiday...

SKWID Training - 08/Dec/2009 21:47 - 5476 days ago
From Thurs the 3rd to Sun the 6th of December, Dave and I attended SKWID, Skills for Working in Development Course. This trainin...

About Bamenda, Cameroon - 01/Dec/2009 20:16 - 5483 days ago
Bamenda is the capital of the Northwest province of Cameroon. It constitutes the heart of Anglophone Cameroon with a population...

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