Title: Beatriz Pujol (Kenya)

Status: Active

URL: http://trixieinkenya.blogspot.com/

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Untitled - 29/Dec/2011 01:00 - 4724 days ago
Hi Again,I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and is gearing up for 2012! I am here in Boca Raton with my dad and Aida. My si...

Dec. 2011 - 07/Dec/2011 01:25 - 4746 days ago
I know it has been ages since I have sent anupdate or touched my blog, though I keep meaning to and promising to. I writehalf bl...

Been a while! - 17/Jun/2010 17:48 - 5284 days ago
Well, I have had lots of emails wondering what is happening in my life and I have been promising blog updates for months now! So...

A Random Act of Kindness! - 03/Mar/2010 17:41 - 5390 days ago
The last two days had been "I hate Kenya" kind of days. Fed up, annoyed, tired. Wondering what I am doing here???Then, today, I ...

Kenya never ceases to challenge and humble me! - 17/Jan/2010 11:41 - 5435 days ago
Kenya, Kenya, Kenya…..There is nothing like a daily dose of a reality check.So, I finished work early on Friday and went to th...

Untitled - 09/Dec/2009 18:03 - 5474 days ago
Moving to Nairobi has been like moving to any big, hectic city. I find I have to work very hard to make time for myself and not ...

FINALY! A BLOG! The first month of work! - 09/Oct/2009 11:22 - 5535 days ago
OK. Here it is. I have been promising this for nearly a year. Is it really this easy? I am going to try to load all of my past u...

update # 12 - 07/Sep/2009 12:11 - 5567 days ago
Jambo! It has been a couple of months since my last update and this is just a short one. Some of you did not receive the last on...

Changes! - 12/Jun/2009 12:10 - 5654 days ago
Where to start? So many changes for me in the last month. I resigned from my job. Some people at the Church were surprised, but ...

update # 11 - 03/Jun/2009 12:09 - 5663 days ago
Kenya: hard, raw, alive, intense, harsh. It has its grasp on my heart. My experience is overwhelming at times. (Lately those tim...

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