Title: Paul O'Connor (Cambodia)

Status: Active

URL: http://paulcambodia.blogspot.com/

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A final post - 19/Apr/2012 10:53 - 4612 days ago
Yesterday I left Cambodia. I feel very sad about leaving as my time there and the people I spent it with are very special, but I...

Getting ready to leave - 26/Mar/2012 09:59 - 4636 days ago
I’m not often described as a decisive person, but I think I might be getting worse. I used to be plagued by fairly minor dilem...

A quick entry - 08/Feb/2012 10:01 - 4683 days ago
It’s been quite an eventful few days. Firstly Tak’s house-building suffered a bit of a setback when the previous landowner t...

January - 06/Feb/2012 09:34 - 4685 days ago
January is usually the worst month of the year, particularly if you spend it in a secondary school classroom, but this one in Ca...

Christmas and New Year - 03/Jan/2012 10:32 - 4719 days ago
Happy New Year. I spent the night eating soggy fish and chips for one at Heathrow Airport, followed by twenty hours on planes wh...

Hospitals and more weddings - 13/Dec/2011 03:50 - 4740 days ago
A few weeks ago, Tak’s dad fell unconscious while in our house and was taken straight to hospital. I’m not sure what he was ...

Learning Khmer - 26/Nov/2011 07:02 - 4757 days ago
I've been meaning to write something about the Khmer language for a while now, and I was reminded of this this morning when Tak'...

Comings and goings - 05/Nov/2011 03:13 - 4778 days ago
Towards the end of September our ICT group said goodbye to its third volunteer. After Danny had left in March and Ingran in Augu...

Travelling in the northwest - 04/Oct/2011 05:51 - 4810 days ago
Last week was Pchum Ben, one of the longer Cambodian public holidays and a religious festival which I still don’t really under...

School enrolment campaigns - 23/Sep/2011 03:52 - 4821 days ago
Apologies for not having written anything for such a long time. Things have actually been quite busy at work, even though it’s...

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