Title: Mangos, Monkeys and Maggie (Uganda)

Status: Active

URL: http://mangoesmonkeysandmaggie.blogspot.com/

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Muzungu, byeee! - 04/Oct/2009 20:29 - 5410 days ago
In the four days that we have been home no-one has stopped us in the street to shake our hands, to ask how was our night, how is...

Looking Back - 15/Sep/2009 12:31 - 5429 days ago
Pictures of the hospital showing out patients and the wards.Children outside their home and a mother showing how she is using he...

The last month! - 01/Sep/2009 12:46 - 5443 days ago
It’s hard to believe we are entering our last month here. Obviously there are mixed feelings about leaving as we have made a ...

THE MAN WITH THE KEY - 22/Aug/2009 10:03 - 5453 days ago
THE VIEW FROM DIRK'S VERANDAHVSO held two workshops last week one for“leavers” and one for the health volunteers. This was a...

Change of scenery - 10/Aug/2009 04:34 - 5465 days ago
Today we are going to Kampala for a week. We have to go to Interpol to get proof that we have not been engaged in criminal act...

What, more wildlife?!! - 31/Jul/2009 15:01 - 5475 days ago
Our weekend visit to Murchison National Park was as wonderful as ever. The safari ended up as an elephant chase. We’d seen ...

MASINDI UPDATE - 21/Jul/2009 18:40 - 5485 days ago
BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5360986606778893618" /RHINO SANCTUARYIt seems like no time since the last entry but it is already two hectic we...

SODIS and Tippy Taps - 08/Jul/2009 14:17 - 5498 days ago
SODIS BOTTLES AND A TIPPY TAP IN OUR GARDENAfter last weeks excitement chasing chimps we have had a much quieter week. I have ha...

Chimps - 30/Jun/2009 06:34 - 5506 days ago
Getting up at 5.30 a.m. on Saturday was definitely worth the effort. By 7 a.m. we were deep in the forest witnessing a communit...

Highs and lows - 25/Jun/2009 06:51 - 5511 days ago
By Tuesday it is difficult to remember what happened in the last week. Time is going quickly now as October approaches. We kee...

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