Title: Jambo Uganda (Uganda)

Status: Active

URL: http://jambo-uganda.blogspot.com/

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UK Pit-Stop: Xmas&New Year - 10/Feb/2010 11:01 - 5281 days ago
Dec 09/Jan 2010: A wintry break in the UK - 3 weeks of flat roads, fast internet, anonyminity& proper bread. Oh,& it was...

Dutchie + trip to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary - 10/Feb/2010 10:43 - 5281 days ago
The latest jolly with the Dutch bunch saw us wading through swamps and ripping limbs in the tall grass, all in pursuit of the el...

Spooky - 10/Feb/2010 10:36 - 5281 days ago
Another year in Uganda, another chance to celebrate my favourite festival......

Little Face - 10/Feb/2010 08:47 - 5281 days ago
This photo - of one of the kids on my street - was my entry into a recent VSO photography competition. The children follow me ho...

Rhino Raft Race, Jinja - 10/Feb/2010 08:24 - 5281 days ago
November 2009: With high spirits& a mighty effort, the VSO rafting team paddled into 6th place (/20) in the annual Rhino Fun...

Cheerio VSO - Lonely Planet here I come - 10/Feb/2010 07:39 - 5281 days ago
October 2009: I bid farewell to my do-gooding& started a new job with The Far Horizon (http://www.thefarhorizons.com/), wher...

Chopper Chimps - 29/Sep/2009 07:20 - 5415 days ago
It’s the ‘Year of the Gorilla’ in Uganda& Rwanda. There have been a host of events (a most notable one being 50 people...

Zanzibar - 17/Sep/2009 07:02 - 5427 days ago
Beautiful Zanzibar - the land of coconuts& cloves, mazes& mosques, beaches& sunshine divine. My friend Al joined me...

Hairy Lemon - 17/Sep/2009 06:33 - 5427 days ago
A weekend at the Hairy Lemon with the Dutch bunch - a little back-to-basics island on the Nile (in eastern Uganda). A perfect s...

This just says it all... - 19/Aug/2009 07:16 - 5456 days ago

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