Title: Hysteria in Nigeria (
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A near CATastrophe - 15/Aug/2012 13:32 - 4560 days ago
I knew that trying to bring a cat back from Nigeria was not going to be easy. But I underestimated just how difficult and stress...
Home sweet home - 03/Aug/2012 09:10 - 4572 days ago
I’ve said it before; Nigeria is like marmite. People either seemed to love it or hate it. I loved it (on the whole!). And now ...
Skin whitening cream, breast cream and padded pants - 18/Jul/2012 10:47 - 4588 days ago
I had a great reminder of how direct people here are recently. We were in a shop at Wuse Market, the main market in Abuja. I was...
Worms, pizza,“wine bars” and more goodbyes - 20/Jun/2012 13:05 - 4616 days ago
I’ll start with the hideous story first. I went to get in the shower the other morning and was surprised to see a big worm lyi...
8 weeks and counting - 01/Jun/2012 09:45 - 4635 days ago
So I’ve now got eight weeks left in Nigeria – almost to the day. I try not to think about this too much because it stresses ...
REAL cocktails, shopping and abandonment - 16/May/2012 08:59 - 4651 days ago
I went to a really fun place the other day– a friend from work took me to Designer Marketplace, which is held the first Saturd...
Water water everywhere - 02/May/2012 09:05 - 4665 days ago
And some other ramblings…I mentioned in a recent blog post that our water supply has been pretty crap - our taps have been mor...
Easter fun - 16/Apr/2012 09:28 - 4681 days ago
My second Easter in Nigeria. This year the long weekend was spent having lots of fun in Abuja. Jenny came to stay, and some high...
No water, running in the desert and getting PUBLISHED! - 11/Apr/2012 18:47 - 4686 days ago
Another blog post full of a whole lot of waffle…I’ll start with the really exciting news first (well, I was excited anyway!)...
Contraception? What's that? - 15/Mar/2012 10:21 - 4713 days ago
I apologise in advance. This is more of a rant than a blog post.I mentioned in my last post that we’d been running some focus ...
Vets, cats, fish and motorbikes - 14/Mar/2012 13:31 - 4714 days ago
I’ve been a bit useless with updating my blog recently. I think it’s a combination between being busy and also having been h...
We're all going on a Nigerian holiday - 27/Feb/2012 21:23 - 4730 days ago
I’ve been to two lovely places recently that have made me like Nigeria even more than I did before. A couple of weeks ago we w...
Twelve months? Really? - 14/Feb/2012 09:06 - 4743 days ago
Where did it go? I’m glad I chose to extend, I don’t think I feel ready to go home just yet. Whilst work is going well, ther...
Nigerian Catnip - 24/Jan/2012 18:26 - 4764 days ago
I think this is what I am. Another one has appeared at our door. She arrived in our compound on Friday night. She must be lost a...
Strikes, dead monkeys and malaria (again) - 20/Jan/2012 10:29 - 4768 days ago
So it’s been a fun filled two weeks. After 6 days of strikes, life slowly started to return to normal (or as normal as things ...
Cabin fever and being chased by rabid monkeys - 09/Jan/2012 17:02 - 4779 days ago
Day 1 of the strike and it got to 1pm and I was climbing the walls. I learnt that playing scrabble by yourself isn’t much fun ...
Hibernation anyone? - 05/Jan/2012 15:50 - 4783 days ago
No blog posts for ages and then two in as many days. I’ve had to do something very rare for me today and use my brain. On stat...
Carnivals, long bus journeys, Christmas by the pool and lots more fun things - 04/Jan/2012 20:21 - 4784 days ago
After an awesome Christmas break, the majority of which was spent in Calabar, I’m back to the real world. It was great to go b...
Do they know it's Christmas time at all... - 12/Dec/2011 11:02 - 4807 days ago
I know that most of my blog updates make little mention of some of the more‘real’ aspects of life here. The situations that ...
Broken laptops, carnivals and two suitcases of cat food - 06/Dec/2011 20:14 - 4813 days ago
It’s been a busy few weeks. I had a lovely two weeks at home. Lots of eating was done, and I returned to Nigeria with about 20...
Thirteen steps - 27/Nov/2011 13:29 - 4822 days ago
Trying to leave Nigeria is a complete nightmare. Forget all of the visa issues (that would be a separate blog entry in itself), ...
A whole load of rubbish... - 11/Nov/2011 09:17 - 4838 days ago
The other day I had to travel to a neighbouring state for work. I was very proud of getting there and back on public transport a...
Homeward bound, stolen cameras and tinned mushrooms - 31/Oct/2011 10:26 - 4849 days ago
I’ve learnt some crucial lessons this week:1. Tinned mushrooms: I’ll never forget when I first got to Nigeria I was stood in...
My new life - 26/Oct/2011 12:36 - 4854 days ago
Squirt has definitely settled into his new surroundingsSince moving (or should I say“being moved”) to Abuja my routine has c...
Is it just me... - 21/Oct/2011 08:57 - 4859 days ago
Or does the following extract not quite make sense?“A successful family man, his daily hard work, care of the family with love...
The only time I have ever found a traffic jam interesting - 18/Oct/2011 14:40 - 4862 days ago
Abuja isn’t big on traffic lights. Don’t ask me why, but if the standard of driving here is anything to go by it’s probabl...
Sleep deprivation, giant bats and Squirt - 17/Oct/2011 08:35 - 4863 days ago
Don’t worry; this isn’t another entire blog post on Squirt. Just one more picture.Things have been much the same here. I can...
Wheelchair access, Nigerian style - 17/Oct/2011 08:11 - 4863 days ago
We came across this wheelchair ramp the other day outside a hotel. As with most things here, it's uniquely Nigerian. And if the ...
Who needs a proper blog post when you can just have cute pictures of a kitten instead - 12/Oct/2011 09:55 - 4868 days ago
Squirt. The world's most time consuming pet....
Sardines anyone? - 07/Oct/2011 13:47 - 4873 days ago
Okay, so it's not quite this bad, but closePublic transport by bus in Nigeria deserves a mention. My colleague recently asked me...
This isn't going to have a happy ending, is it? - 04/Oct/2011 14:40 - 4876 days ago
People who know me will not be surprised to meet the latest edition to our Nigerian household– Squirt. I was walking back from...
Confused? I was too - 30/Sep/2011 12:47 - 4880 days ago
There are some phrases here that took some getting used to. Some examples:1.“I’m coming”– Actually means ‘I’m going,...
Twenty ways you know you've been living in Nigeria for too long... - 26/Sep/2011 11:50 - 4884 days ago
1. You automatically flush a toilet with a bucket of water rather than trying the flush.2. You find yourself sitting in the dark...
Adventures - 21/Sep/2011 16:52 - 4889 days ago
Doesn't look like much, but ahhh to be out of Abuja!I was lucky enough to be able to travel for work last week. We went to two o...
Honour God with your mode of dressing - 19/Sep/2011 19:52 - 4891 days ago
A man ran across the road (a very busy road, he had a few too many close encounters with cars and bikes that didn’t want to st...
Healthcare Nigerian style - 17/Sep/2011 16:01 - 4893 days ago
I managed to go 7 months without having to encounter the Nigerian healthcare service. Until last week when I had to take myself ...
Flexibility and Adaptability - 11/Sep/2011 13:13 - 4899 days ago
Two of VSO’s key selection criteria. And I now know why. Some things that have recently tested these characteristics:1. De-wor...
The end of the VSO Refugee - 23/Aug/2011 13:42 - 4918 days ago
Or the VSO Internally Displaced Person would be more accurate. So I have a new placement. I started on Monday. And I am very exc...
Want to lose your sanity? - 15/Aug/2011 15:01 - 4926 days ago
Then come to Nigeria.I knew I had spoken too soon when I said I was enjoying my placement. Six months in, and things went very w...
A vegetarian's worst nightmare? - 25/Jul/2011 12:03 - 4947 days ago
The picture doesn’t really do it justice. You need to experience the smell at the same time in order to get the full effect.I...
Green sludge and a bruised ego - 21/Jul/2011 11:57 - 4951 days ago
As I’ve already mentioned, walking around here isn’t the most relaxing pastime. If you’re not being greeted or shouted at ...
I really need to learn to Man Up - 12/Jul/2011 09:37 - 4960 days ago
I have just returned to Calabar after a lovely two weeks at home. I have the worlds best parents, who bought me a ticket to go h...
Tricycles, elephant feet and mouldy beds - 23/Jun/2011 14:11 - 4979 days ago
You’d think that I’d have learnt my lesson the first time it rained heavily and my mattress got soaked. But no. Given how di...
Can someone press the pause button - 13/Jun/2011 14:03 - 4989 days ago
I’ve now been here for four months. I’m a third of the way through my placement, and it’s almost a year to the day that I ...
Two out of three ain't bad - 02/Jun/2011 10:18 - 5000 days ago
Patience is something that I do not possess. Well, not in large quantities anyway. A few things have happened in the past week t...
Working 9 till 5... - 25/May/2011 08:20 - 5008 days ago
I’m aware that my blog posts feature a lot about public transport and my weekends, and make very little reference to work. Mai...
This is getting serious. Good old Celine strikes again. - 23/May/2011 09:34 - 5010 days ago
As my sister would happily confirm, my taste in music was fairly suspect before I even came out here, but this country is doing ...
Wahala, wahala, wahala*... - 22/May/2011 20:25 - 5011 days ago
This happened a good few weeks ago now, but I was initially too angry to write about it without risking saying something that co...
A boat a bike and a bus. And a whole lot more waffle - 15/May/2011 19:55 - 5018 days ago
Trying to do tourist type things here just isn’t easy. Last weekend we were meant to be going on a trip to the jungle to stay ...
You've depleted, your body dey go - 06/May/2011 13:55 - 5027 days ago
Is something I get told fairly frequently. But now it’s not just my weight that is depleting. The VSO Health Handbook says:Hai...
Act like a lady, think like a man... - 03/May/2011 14:33 - 5030 days ago
… Was the title of a book I saw in the supermarket the other day. It amused me endlessly so I decided to steal it as the title...
Christmas came early to Calabar - 26/Apr/2011 20:44 - 5037 days ago
My DHL parcel arrived from home last week. I nearly hugged the DHL delivery man when he turned up at my office. I think I scared...
Lacking in self-confidence? Don't come to Nigeria - 20/Apr/2011 20:19 - 5043 days ago
I have had to develop a very thick skin. To say that people here are direct would be an understatement. Some choice comments I h...
I don chop - 12/Apr/2011 21:18 - 5051 days ago
Or I have eaten. This has nothing to do with the content of this blog post, I just didn’t have a title for it, and I like taki...
Look away if you're squeamish... - 09/Apr/2011 11:34 - 5054 days ago
This was what Jenny (another VSO volunteer) and I were faced with early this morning. I’m staying at Jenny’s for the weekend...
Every home should have one - 05/Apr/2011 10:50 - 5058 days ago
I give you the Sticky Rat Mat. I bought one from a man walking along with a basket of them on his head. I wanted to go for the g...
Elections, Backstreet Boys and Custard... - 05/Apr/2011 10:28 - 5058 days ago
So my neighbour has a new CD. The Backstreet Boys. I never thought I’d hear myself saying this, but I think I preferred Celine...
You TREKKED? - 28/Mar/2011 21:24 - 5066 days ago
This is a question I get asked on a daily basis. I am a constant source of amusement to the people living in the same area as me...
Rats, rotten mattresses and no water - 28/Mar/2011 19:51 - 5066 days ago
Anyone who knows me knows I am not so good at coping with‘nature’. Camping would never be my holiday of choice. Bugs, rodent...
My heart will go on and on... - 14/Mar/2011 10:47 - 5080 days ago
Celine Dion has become the theme music to my life here in Nigeria. It’s like living in some sort of bizarre cheesy TV sitcom. ...
I dey okay... - 09/Mar/2011 10:19 - 5085 days ago
So, nearly one month in. I now have somewhere to live, which is a big relief. From hereon I will affectionately refer to it as M...
Monkeys, bananas, and Nigerian meat markets... - 22/Feb/2011 14:20 - 5100 days ago
It turns out it’s not as easy as I thought it would be to find time to update my blog. Our first 10 days in Abuja have been sp...
And so it begins... - 31/Jan/2011 10:59 - 5122 days ago
Well, almost. Two weeks today I will be in Nigeria (I hope, passport and visa permitting!) Although it feels like the whole proc...
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