Title: Rebecca in Rwanda (
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Top News Story: Memories of playing soccer with Rwanda's First Lady - 31/Aug/2013 23:57 - 4179 days ago
Okay Ken, I promised I'd write about this again so here it is. Among many delights about being back in Rwanda is the string of m...
A vast, expansive beauty - 31/Aug/2013 23:35 - 4179 days ago
Most people I've met who have been to Africa describe the same kind of feeling about living, working or visiting it. The people ...
Did you bring joy? - 22/Aug/2013 15:40 - 4188 days ago
"Ancient Egyptians believed that upon death they would be asked two questions and their answers would determine whether they cou...
Ufite Amazzi? Food, Language and Culture - 22/Aug/2013 15:12 - 4188 days ago
My first few days in Rwanda, I practised the language a bit in my head in preparation for leaving the capital to visit the more ...
Letting the light in - 15/Aug/2013 14:17 - 4195 days ago
"Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything, that's how the light gets in....
Receive Love. Give love. Repeat. - 14/Aug/2013 12:40 - 4196 days ago
Receive love. Give love. Repeat. was written on a church sign at Bloor and Dufferin the week before I left Toronto. Since arrivi...
Funny ha-ha's - 12/Aug/2013 10:06 - 4198 days ago
*when crossing the street in a foreign country that's not England (where it's written in bold print: LOOK RIGHT!), it's importan...
Hope - 12/Aug/2013 09:42 - 4198 days ago
"Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words, and never stops at all." Emily ...
Bye bye Broccoli...and other reverse culture shock-isms - 12/Aug/2013 09:12 - 4198 days ago
I am about to board a plane to Africa and I am cognizant of leaving the "land of plenty" for the "land of a thousand variables"....
Return to Rwanda - 08/Aug/2013 14:56 - 4202 days ago
On Saturday, I will board a plane in Toronto to return to Rwanda for the first time in 3 1/2 years. I have mixed emotions. I can...
A bang not a whimper - 18/Feb/2010 14:46 - 5469 days ago
What's it like to leave Rwanda? Bittersweet. For the past few weeks I've been saying goodbyes. There was the party at EP-Rubona ...
All that you can't leave behind... - 07/Feb/2010 14:43 - 5480 days ago
As I wind down my time here in Rwanda, there are a lot of thoughts crowding my mind. I’m ready. I may or may not live in Afric...
Eggboy - 27/Jan/2010 21:37 - 5491 days ago
Today, some of my efforts came together. Let me tell you first about the title character. A boy of fourteen who sells eggs from ...
Rwanda nziza - 24/Jan/2010 20:14 - 5494 days ago
I've long ago decided that I prefer Rwanda to its neighbouring countries. There's something about the people here that differs f...
The Point - 20/Jan/2010 18:02 - 5498 days ago
A friend asked me recently what my breaking point was. This came on the heels of my umpteenth illness. I answered: There isn't o...
Nairobi - 20/Jan/2010 18:00 - 5498 days ago
Between Christmas and New Year’s, Gitarama emptied of expats so Karen and I decided a short holiday was a good idea. We had pr...
A Christmas Story - 20/Jan/2010 17:02 - 5498 days ago
Once it was decided that I would stay here for Christmas and not travel home (for most of December I was really keen for the lat...
The boy and the volcano - 13/Jan/2010 08:03 - 5505 days ago
This photo is one of my favorites. It was taken by the lakeside near Ruhengeri during a quiet weekend in early November. Amongst...
Go-rillaz!! - 01/Jan/2010 13:02 - 5517 days ago
On November 10th, I climbed into Virunga National Park near a volcano that borders 3 different countries (Uganda, DRC and Rwanda...
Teacher Trainings - 30/Dec/2009 12:09 - 5519 days ago
In November, I ran three Primary Methodology Workshops- one for each of my sectors- for nearly 100 teachers. It was aphenomenale...
Mid-December Post - 23/Dec/2009 13:42 - 5526 days ago
“It is possible to be standing on one side of a door and perceive the world as a dark and lonely place, while on the other sid...
Word Searching - 14/Dec/2009 16:52 - 5535 days ago
Hi Friends!!I am writing to promise you some fascinating upcoming posts about Teacher Trainings, Gorillas Mating (I mean Trekkin...
The Hokey Pokey was right! - 23/Nov/2009 09:55 - 5556 days ago
That's what it's all about. So says the "Hokey Pokey", which for the record is a big hit with Rwandan teachers and also a good m...
The 5th of November - 05/Nov/2009 16:55 - 5574 days ago
I'm going to write about my day, just today Thursday, November 5th so you can share my experiences. I woke up before 6 to the so...
Art Club - 29/Oct/2009 10:33 - 5581 days ago
Extra-curricular activities in Rwanda. Why not? The kids in our neighbourhood would play with us everyday if they could. Unfortu...
Akagera National Park - 29/Oct/2009 10:28 - 5581 days ago
Karen and I were commiserating that we never do anything fun- Gitarama can be a very quiet, sleepy place at night. If an expat h...
Soccer with the First Lady - 29/Oct/2009 10:09 - 5581 days ago
Nearly three weeks ago I had the unique opportunity to play in a charity soccer match in support of theOne Dollar Campaign. This...
"Bring a Tree to School" Day - 07/Oct/2009 06:09 - 5603 days ago
No need to bore you with stories of my malaria, amoebas and typhoid. Here are some entertaining stories:Last visit to Rubona Pri...
Finding Peace - 13/Sep/2009 09:32 - 5627 days ago
Hi there. So "Malaria: The Sequel" was the alternate title of this blog entry but it wouldn't have accounted for the amoebas I a...
Contemplation/Assessment - 09/Sep/2009 08:37 - 5631 days ago
Hi there. This past week has been a little less than perfect. A while back, the Mayor of my district quit. Now there is a major ...
Tales of an African Classroom - 31/Aug/2009 09:36 - 5640 days ago
Would you find it unusual to visit a school and find all of the teachers wearing white labcoats? Yeah, me neither. It’s par fo...
August Notes - 31/Aug/2009 09:26 - 5640 days ago
Okay, so Kampala was a month ago so I need to catch you up. The Italian roommate moved back to Italy and a few weeks later the A...
Kampala! Kampala! - 17/Aug/2009 08:38 - 5654 days ago
For the record, I was quite nervous to travel to Kampala but the opportunity presented itself and off I went. At the bus station...
Unicef - 07/Aug/2009 12:13 - 5664 days ago
Unicef- let's backtrack momentarily so I can share my experience with my teacher friends. VSO asked if any volunteers wanted to ...
Ooh La La Moto Driver and Rocket Balloons - 29/Jul/2009 10:52 - 5673 days ago
This morning I was in Kamonyi quite early (7am) and after mounting the moto (yes they require a specific mount/dismounting maste...
This country will break your heart - 27/Jul/2009 09:54 - 5675 days ago
This blog is not for the sensitive reader.The past two phone calls home to David and to Shannon have made me realize that there ...
Blogger's Block - 20/Jul/2009 10:09 - 5682 days ago
Okay, I haven't blogged in three weeks and now I have too much to tell you so I have writer's block. An idea from my friend Megh...
Salty Apple Juice - 29/Jun/2009 13:59 - 5703 days ago
Alright folks, buckle up, it's been an interesting week.I'll go back to chimp trekking and work from there. So, I cut trekking s...
VSO - 22/Jun/2009 14:35 - 5710 days ago
Anna Maceachern of VSO-Canada, I have tried to email you but it bounces back. Here is my address:rebeccajyoung@live.com. Send me...
Blessings be counted ! - 21/Jun/2009 15:23 - 5711 days ago
Hi friends,I am feeling short of words today so I'm going to start with some quotes."Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, ear...
Sweetness Follows - 11/Jun/2009 15:34 - 5721 days ago
This blog will be done in R.E.M. form (as in the song "It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine") so that I can ...
The spider won the fight - 31/May/2009 13:05 - 5732 days ago
It has been quite an eventful week! I am moved into my house and I love it ! I have pics to share but no means of uploading them...
Kigali Genocide Memorial Centre - 21/May/2009 17:29 - 5742 days ago
Today I visited the Memorial Centre in Gisoko. There are no words......
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - 20/May/2009 18:01 - 5743 days ago
Hello friends.So much to share. This week has been an emotional rollercoaster as one minute there's a house and next minute ther...
Quick Blog - 19/May/2009 18:57 - 5744 days ago
Rumor of a house for me later this week.. here's hoping. Gotta go watch the Italian soap opera I am now addicted to. It's called...
Turn Left at That Cow! - 15/May/2009 02:22 - 5748 days ago
So officially I’ve been here for three weeks. Definitely feels like it. I am finding my way around the Kigali area quite easil...
Baby blog - 10/May/2009 20:57 - 5753 days ago
Highlights of the past few days:Dinners, swimming, shopping, walking, laughing and chilling out -with friends.Dancing to live mu...
A preview - 07/May/2009 17:40 - 5756 days ago
Hi friends,A quick note to let you know I'll do a proper blog on the weekend. Here is a sneak peak at today's adventures:*woke u...
Kamonyi in the sky !! - 04/May/2009 19:12 - 5759 days ago
Today I took it upon myself to visit my village, Kamonyi, located 30km from Kigali. I took a moto to the main bus terminal (wher...
Chillin' at Kivu - 03/May/2009 18:12 - 5760 days ago
When I close my eyes, I can still see them. Hulking blue mountains, layer upon layer of hauntingly beautiful hills-a backdrop to...
Great Day !! - 30/Apr/2009 15:29 - 5763 days ago
Today was great. The country director called me directly and I think the placement details will work themselves out eventually. ...
Happy Blogs - 29/Apr/2009 20:19 - 5764 days ago
K, this cutie in the photo approached me today on my walk and started posing. What a nice reminder of why I'm here. There is a p...
Things that make you go hmmm? - 28/Apr/2009 19:55 - 5765 days ago
I had another "interesting" day. I want to blog about it but don't want this in any way to reflect my opinions of VSO as I have ...
This is Rwanda - 28/Apr/2009 19:24 - 5765 days ago
David asked me yesterday what the view from my window was and I did an inadequate job of describing it to him. Basically, I feel...
My Productive (?) Day in Kigali - 27/Apr/2009 20:12 - 5766 days ago
Today was a little challenging. I was at the office at 10 and by 12:30 my scheduled appointment still had not arrived. I met ano...
Kigali Adventures - 26/Apr/2009 14:21 - 5767 days ago
Greetings from Kigali ! I have officially been in Rwanda for three days but it feels more like three weeks on account of all the...
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