Title: Kasia in Calabar (
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The Next Adventure - 21/Feb/2012 19:43 - 4670 days ago
So in theory I should be in Abuja right now and for various reasons I’m not, I’m actually in Thailand. In a short while I’...
Home again - 12/Jan/2012 14:12 - 4710 days ago
Well I’ve been home for almost a week now and I’ve already forgotten how lovely it feels when you walk outside and the sunsh...
The obligatory things I will/won’t miss post… - 03/Jan/2012 21:31 - 4719 days ago
Things I will miss about Nigeria….· Undoubtedly the sunshine, whilst I’m pin...
Tis the season to be jolly - 31/Dec/2011 11:02 - 4722 days ago
Well it’s supposed to be the season to be jolly and all that other Christmas related stuff but frankly it has felt anything ot...
Nigerians behind the lens - 16/Dec/2011 11:35 - 4737 days ago
A rather amazing set of photos I found on the BBC website todayhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-16053483...
A very happy visit to the Kaduna Demonstration School for Deaf Children - 16/Dec/2011 11:34 - 4737 days ago
On Tuesday of this week I found myself on the way to Kaduna, a city about three hours north of Abuja. I was visiting a school fo...
The alarming incident of the cockroach in the night time - 12/Dec/2011 08:57 - 4741 days ago
Cockroaches have made an appearance my blog before, in a slightly bizarre was I losing my mind in having a conversation with one...
Harmattan - 03/Dec/2011 09:44 - 4750 days ago
Something very strange happened last night, so strange that for a brief moment I thought I had somehow transported back home. I ...
Abuja Carnival - 27/Nov/2011 14:22 - 4756 days ago
This weekend it was the annual Abuja carnival, the bradt guidebook tells us that this has been an annual event since 2005 but th...
Errrrrr what’s that I spy? - 18/Nov/2011 14:06 - 4765 days ago
OK when you leave your home country for a totally new and alien culture you do expect that you will see some sights that will le...
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