Title: Kasia in Calabar (Nigeria)

Status: Active

URL: http://kasiaincalabar.blogspot.com/

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The Next Adventure - 21/Feb/2012 19:43 - 4671 days ago
So in theory I should be in Abuja right now and for various reasons I’m not, I’m actually in Thailand. In a short while I’...

Home again - 12/Jan/2012 14:12 - 4711 days ago
Well I’ve been home for almost a week now and I’ve already forgotten how lovely it feels when you walk outside and the sunsh...

The obligatory things I will/won’t miss post… - 03/Jan/2012 21:31 - 4720 days ago
Things I will miss about Nigeria….·        Undoubtedly the sunshine, whilst I’m pin...

Tis the season to be jolly - 31/Dec/2011 11:02 - 4723 days ago
Well it’s supposed to be the season to be jolly and all that other Christmas related stuff but frankly it has felt anything ot...

Nigerians behind the lens - 16/Dec/2011 11:35 - 4738 days ago
A rather amazing set of photos I found on the BBC website todayhttp://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-16053483...

A very happy visit to the Kaduna Demonstration School for Deaf Children - 16/Dec/2011 11:34 - 4738 days ago
On Tuesday of this week I found myself on the way to Kaduna, a city about three hours north of Abuja. I was visiting a school fo...

The alarming incident of the cockroach in the night time - 12/Dec/2011 08:57 - 4742 days ago
Cockroaches have made an appearance my blog before, in a slightly bizarre was I losing my mind in having a conversation with one...

Harmattan - 03/Dec/2011 09:44 - 4751 days ago
Something very strange happened last night, so strange that for a brief moment I thought I had somehow transported back home. I ...

Abuja Carnival - 27/Nov/2011 14:22 - 4757 days ago
This weekend it was the annual Abuja carnival, the bradt guidebook tells us that this has been an annual event since 2005 but th...

Errrrrr what’s that I spy? - 18/Nov/2011 14:06 - 4766 days ago
OK when you leave your home country for a totally new and alien culture you do expect that you will see some sights that will le...

New experiences - 10/Nov/2011 22:03 - 4774 days ago
The travels to Dutse saw me encounter many new experiences they are as follows:·        ...

The Spectacular Durbar - 10/Nov/2011 21:28 - 4774 days ago
In the north of Nigeria which is predominantly Muslim there are a number of Emirates where the celebrations for Sallah are super...

Lucy’s International Garden* - 10/Nov/2011 16:49 - 4774 days ago
I’m not really sure where to start with blog post simply because there is so much I want to say, in fact I think I might end u...

A small filler - 10/Nov/2011 08:35 - 4774 days ago
OK so this is a very quick interim type post to say that I’ve been away for a few days up north to Dutse in Jigawa state for t...

Another giant spider - 30/Oct/2011 17:50 - 4785 days ago
The British Village had a Halloween party on Saturday night and we were excited to go however fancy dress supplies were limited ...

A walk around the neighbourhood - 29/Oct/2011 13:24 - 4786 days ago
My housemate Sue and I took a walk around our neighbourhood this morning. We were actually heading to one of the larger shops to...

A good day - 25/Oct/2011 21:13 - 4790 days ago
Today was a good day, I’d love to tell you of some huge breakthrough at work but the goodness was all thanks to the arrival of...

Warty Towels - 20/Oct/2011 16:46 - 4795 days ago
It seems to be fairly standard that every office in Nigeria has a TV in it, I can’t really get my head round this as it does n...

Introducing Squirt - 15/Oct/2011 11:37 - 4800 days ago
So we have a new addition in the VSO flat here in Maitama and he is small, fluffy, has four legs and goes by the name of Squirt....

Utility traumas and finally getting caught in the rain - 14/Oct/2011 10:05 - 4801 days ago
This week has been pretty rubbish in terms of living conditions in Abuja. I mean that in the sense that we’ve been very lucky ...

The dancing traffic cop - 12/Oct/2011 17:21 - 4803 days ago
Does every city have one (my you tube investigations tell me so)? At the weekend we found Abuja’s dancing traffic cop, I ...

Some random thoughts….. - 06/Oct/2011 17:08 - 4809 days ago
I don’t blog for ages and then it’s twice in a day, what’s gotten into me?! Who knows but there I was on my journey to the...

The meeting under the mango tree - 06/Oct/2011 16:58 - 4809 days ago
Yesterday I attended the most interesting meeting of my life (if you’re of the opinion that meetings can be interesting that i...

Strange happenings - 28/Sep/2011 15:25 - 4817 days ago
A few weird things have happened this week which makes me wonder if I’ve slipped into a parallel Abuja…. On Monday which is ...

All quiet on the western front - 25/Sep/2011 19:50 - 4820 days ago
I’m sat here on Sunday night realising that I have been especially quiet this week. Actually I don’t know where this week ha...

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