Introducing Squirt
on Kasia in Calabar (Nigeria), 15/Oct/2011 11:37, 34 days ago
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So we have a new addition in the VSO flat here in Maitama and he is small, fluffy, has four legs and goes by the name of Squirt. He is a very cute and rabid (but not literally according to the vet) kitten rescued by my flatmate Sam. He’d been abandoned after his mum died and was sort of possibly but not really being looked after by a bloke who sits near the man selling eggs over the road (I think)who was only too happy to have him taken away. Anyway long story short we now have VSO pet and don’t panic those of you who are wondering what will become of the little dude at the end of placement time Sam is going to take him home with her as the quarantine rules have changed in recent times so this is now not so difficult do. So below I present a series of pictures of our new ward, he is at this very moment trying to chew through my laptop wire!