Saying goodbye
on Geri Skeen (Rwanda), 14/Oct/2011 17:37, 34 days ago
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People were very kind over my leaving in July. Work held a leaving lunch for me. Several people stood up and said some very nice things about me. Sifa in the picture below presented me with some handicrafts made by YWCA members. I had been primed that I would need to say something and managed a short thank you speech meticulously prepared in Kinyarwanda! Here I am after the lunch with my best friend at work, the woman I have worked so closely with for the past six months, Venantie:The most touching thank you though was from Assoumpta, the leader of one of the women’s groups whose handicrafts we are marketing. When I arrived for work she was waiting for me with a present of jewellery she had made from recycled paper. I barely managed not to cry as she put the necklace round my neck. I know; it felt like when you are presented with a medal. Bless her. Here is the gift she made me: