In the beginning
on Sheila Ash (India), 08/Sep/2018 16:27, 34 days ago
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Before, there was nothing.Excitation deafened its silenceReleasing a tsunami of realisation out into the endlessness.Its stillness disturbed.Existence becomesThe first sub-particleto coalesce into being,to move into shape,to shape into form,Creation combusts amokPropelled by blow-out windsChaos churns and twists, decays and settlesinto All - the beginning, the middle, the end,the between, the above, the below,the before, the after, the now, the thenspinning off into the endlessnesswhich is no longer nothing.Destiny is writThe Word is made consciousAnd we are bornbut live framed by our finiteness within the limitless expanse.© Sheila Ash, 2018(Inspired by a piece entitled“Emit– The Start: Not to remit” written by my Creative Writing class colleague Simon Watts)ashramblings