A Week in Review
on Anna's Suitcase (Rwanda), 29/Oct/2009 18:17, 34 days ago
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On our wall, Tina created a spot for us to put pictures of family and friends. Look who wanted to meet my parents! I don't know if this is Ying or Yang. I can never tell them apart! (Not my parents....I meant the geckos....)A Week in ReviewI thought I would add this bit for those of you– and there are a few – who I know ask my family and Aimey how I’m doing to which they will inevitably respond “Check the blog!” But I know you. You’re busy. Things are going on and, honestly, unless you’re super committed – do you really have time to sit infront of the computer andread page after page of useless rambling? (If you answered yes to that, either you need more work to do, or you’re retired.) I also know that some of you have a Friday routine of trying to read everything that’s happened but maybe you don’t always have the time. I’m not that self absorbed tothink people read this much. Let’s face it….if you had a blog, would I read it? Maybe. If it was as wordy and long as this, probably not. I’m not offended….I’ve said a million times, this is mostly for me. Actually, truth be told, I’ve very, very flattered that you read this. Once in awhile I’ll get an email from someone that says they like it. Thanks. That means a lot. But I digress… I will try, internet connection permitting, to do this on Fridays (well Thursday night maybe) to give you as snapshot of the week. A summary, if you will, of the wacky and crazy things going on.If you want to read more – fill your boots! Start of the week– post office to get some books from Amazon. Still wondering where Aimey’s parcel (avec Halloween candy) is. Boo. Tuesday (I think), burned my finger on stove. Huge blister. Ew. Wednesday massive water leak – or geyser – appeared in my bathroom. Shut off water. Waited to have it fixed. Invented low tech water tap. Very proud. Hosted dinner with friends. Said friends chased rat out of my house. Guard has sick wife. Needed advance. Said thank you with 3 heads of a cabbage. What do I do with three heads of cabbage? Confirmatory visit with VSO staff to make sure I’m settling in. Nationalexams at schools means armed guards and more guns in the same room as me than I’m truly comfortable with. Friday (hasn’t arrived yet), I had to Kigali for a meeting followed by a weekend in the city and then In Country Training for the week.