Like a snow day - but without central heating
on Anna's Suitcase (Rwanda), 18/Feb/2010 18:33, 34 days ago
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Tuesday, February 16I packed my bag today– markers, candles, camera, water bottle, and lunch. There were so many rice sacks that I decided to leave my first aid kit home (it was a short drive to Rubona) and my rain pants (it looked nice out). Getting the bikes today was easy. I phone and phoned Patrick – to no avail – only to walk out my gate and voila! There he was, like he’s appeared out of nowhere. He was looking a little tired and preoccupied but he has a toddler at home, so I imagined it was this. I was still wondering if he has telepathy as I donned Pink and got on the back. Before we left, though he told me that there had been an accident between a moto and a bus at the round about. We headed that way to meet Jeremy and his driver, Mutoni. We continued toward Rubona school and passed the accident scene. It was pretty bad. The moto driver had already been taken to hospital but his bike was still under the bus and its imprint in the front. The driver was a friend of Patrick’s which explained his look this morning. He went to the hostipal with a broken leg but the bike – “Big problem, Anna.”We arrived at Rubona to a welcome and a full agenda. Of course we paused at about 11:30, just as the morning was wrapping up. Jeremy was to leave at noon but the rain started and so Mutoni called to say he would wait. And wait he did! The rain continued and continued (and as I write this it is still continuing). We took advantage and managed to do some resource building with the help of the kids. Of the 500 or so that should have been there, there were about 20 from the morning– who never left – and 20 from the afternoon group. Like a snow day in Canada…. Finally at 4:30, Mutoni called and said he’s come and get us. There was no sign of Patrick so I took the driver Mutoni brought with him another driver so I jumped on and heading home in the cold, cold rain. The drive wouldn’t have been so bad except for the cold water pooling at my crotch. I will NEVER forget my rain pants again.The classroom leaked in the entire centre.Kids out of the rain and in the classroomWatchya got there?We played Alphabet Toss under cover from the rain. Even the teachers got into it. Jeremy had an impromptu English lesson on the desk with some chalk.Even the staff room leaks and water + dirt = mud.Again, this is teacher inspired ideas. Well done!