Flying High
on Blog From Beyond (Rwanda), 22/Apr/2010 08:12, 34 days ago
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This graph fromInformation is Beautifulclearly shows that althoughplane-groundinghas caused chaos to us mortals - it's certainly helped the UK's carbon footprint ;)Another rather funky play thing, courtesy ofCapital Gold(which yes, I still listen to ;)) isflightradar24(runs better withFireFox). It shows you all the planes in the sky and when you click on them it tells you how fast they're going, where they're going to/from and sometimes shows you a picture of what they look like :) Seeing how many swarms of planes are in the air really helps explain how carbon emissions reach those levels.Not being much of a TV buff, I caught up on the Leaders' Debate online the other day:Clegg-maniaaside, I'm somewhat tempted to vote for his suit - it's rather nice.Second debate on tonight.