on Rachel Gates (Indonesia), 15/Mar/2010 16:04, 34 days ago
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Hi my name is Rachel, I am a social worker and I have quit my job in Local authority social work.And the countdown is well and truly starting today, I have received confirmation that the placement identified in Indonesia for me definitely wants me, this has all been coordinated by Voluntary Action Overseas. I must state that the content of the this blog does not represent the views of VSO, and are just my thoughts and reporting's on what I have seen and the things I am learning from day to day. So it looks as though I am going to be leaving the country in the 5th of June 2010 for a new life for 26 moths in Indonesia. Needless to say life changing!Just a few obstacles I need to get out the way, getting the all clear from the doctor and also praying that their is no delay in the Visa.However if all goes according to plan I should be departing the UK on the 5th of June 2010 with my first stop being Bali for the first two months, ready for an 8 week induction. This will incorporate intense language training, further motorcycle training, getting used for riding with limited road surfaces and I will also need to start learning some basic sign language. This is because I am going to be working in a boarding school on the Island of Flores with children who are deaf or blind.So the count down begins 82 days and counting before I leave the UK for some sun, Volcano and rocky roads. I shall try and update this weekly. Rachel