hill walking and the utter futility of everything
on Catherine Dupre (Mongolia), 19/Apr/2010 02:22, 34 days ago
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So, I have been desceding into gloom latelty.  I think it is just hormonal, but I also have a sneaking suspicion that life really is a pain in the bum.ANYWAY, in a proactive attempt to get rid of the encroaching depression, I went for a long walk in the hills surrounding UB, it was so nice to get out of the city, and into the fresh air, and to see the stunning views.  these are some of the photos I took.Large golden Bhudda at the south edge of the citythis is UB from a distanceobligatory shadow shotFor some reason I kept expecting to see Lassie bounding along towards me.making my way up the hillposingSo - it was really nice to stretch my legs, especially since  spent the rest of the weekend working on my lessons and training proposals.  Being a teacher is HARD WORK!  I suppose I thought that it would all just kind of happen naturally, that I would slip seamlessly into my new role.  But I had not anticipated the barriers of language and cultural difference.  And how difficult it is to explain concepts, or talk to nurses about nursing care, when they dont have the basic equipment or resources. I am wishing I had brought over some dressing samples to show them, all they have here for any wound at all, is gauze. My next session, tomorrow, is on Nursing Documentation and then another one on safe moving and handling of the patient.  I am not sure how receptive they will be, as the documentation here is terrible, but they have tried to devlop it, and are very proud of their efforts. I watched, in horror, as a man wheeled into recovery from theatre, was tipped off the trolley onto the bed.  Patients are pulled around like rag dolls, its not out of malice, I think it just doesnt occur to them to be gentle!  In the bus or the street, people are very argy bargy, they knock ino you push you out of the way, or sit pretty much right on top of you on the bus.Anyway, I will sign off there as I feel a doom and gloom coming on.  I HOPE that my landlord is coming this evening to help me set up the internet in my flat.  Turs out I DID flood the downstairs neighbours by the way, and I am still too scared to turn my straighteners on in case they dont work, so I have  really wild hair right now.