Priscilla forgets her pants, and other stories
on Catherine Dupre (Mongolia), 26/Mar/2010 07:27, 34 days ago
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Ok ok ok - I know, I havent written for ages, I have been so busy, life's a constant whirl.A brief account of the last week in the guesthouse, or the big brother house as we all called it.  I have language lessons for the last week, and I scored major points by going in when I was ill, and still being great at mongolian.  Although I am quite annoyed with the rumour mill at the moment, apparently one of the stories going around about me is that I was top of the class.  Booya.  Here I am at school on the last day, and getting my certificate.This week wasnt that exciting as I was struck down with a lurgy, we had been taking i in turns to be ill in the BB  house, and this was my week.  However there was one nutty night and morning.  For some reason the BB house was filled with steam on evening, it was weird, like mist inside.  thick mist.  then the lights went out.  they came on and off again a few times through out the evening, and eventually we decided to call it a night and go to bed, but just then the door burst open and in fell the philipinos, they'd been taken out by some mongolians and had clearly been plied with vodka, they were hilariously drunk, and being very sweet and funny.  They eventually let me go to bed, where I fell into a deep sleep, to be woken by shoting and banging.  Seems the boyfriend of the girl working at the guesthouse had turned up at 3am, drunk, and with some grievance.  they had a loud fight before she eventually hit him over the head and pushed him bodily out of the house. the next mornig i woke with my throat on fire and my head pounding, I croaked to the others that I couldnt go to school today, and they went off without me.  I felel back to sleep and was woken later on by a film crew breaking the door of my bedroom off its hinges. Oh, and the next day, when we got the school bus, Em came running up saying wait wait, Priscilla forgot her coat!  as she climbed onto the bus she added "and her pants!"