Canada Day in Rwanda
on Kelti Giles (Rwanda), 11/Jul/2010 11:13, 34 days ago
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Had the awesome opportunity to help with a workshop in another district called Nyanza with the 2 Mels (Melanie&Melissa). It was a very long day of teaching students&teacher-training - not to mention the extrac-curricular activities such as the 3 legged races! Thanks to the Mels for letting me participate as it was a great learning experience&a good time was had by all. Check out the picture of me with some of the students - they oughta be in pictures!Canada Day happened to fall on the same day as Indepence Day in Rwanda. I celebrated our nation's birthday in style at the Canadian ambassadors house in Kigali. My team won the Canada Day quiz&won cool pens - I even got a temporary tattoo to show my loyalty to my country!