Title: Thea's Blog (Uganda)

Status: Active

URL: http://thea-uganda.blogspot.com/

All Posts Cached via RSS

Signing off - 14/May/2011 14:15 - 4823 days ago
My last day in Uganda. Feeling a bit teary. Not very good at farewell speeches (as several people tactfully pointed out after my...

Some things I'm going to miss - 02/May/2011 16:39 - 4835 days ago
Here are some of the sights of Fort Portal I am going to miss:- The‘suit men’ who walk around dressed in 10 jackets one on t...

April already - 31/Mar/2011 15:16 - 4867 days ago
February and March have whizzed past while January was still getting its coat on. I’m kind of disarmed by the insane speed wit...

Rally - 20/Jan/2011 16:17 - 4937 days ago
A couple of weeks ago President Museveni came to Fort Portal in a gigantic helicopter like a ripe avocado. He spent the week giv...

January already - 16/Jan/2011 13:43 - 4941 days ago
A jump of three months. Gone in an eyeblink. Still can’t believe how quickly time passes here. There are only five months left...

Ssesse islands - 15/Oct/2010 12:06 - 5034 days ago

Healthcare - 09/Oct/2010 09:51 - 5040 days ago
Normal0MicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"T...

Rent-a-crowd - 29/Aug/2010 12:48 - 5081 days ago
My first Ugandan introduction ceremony turned out to be a bit of a surreal experience. Surreal because, at an event which is tra...

Chickens - 26/Aug/2010 15:19 - 5084 days ago
Normal0MicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"T...

Public speaking - 01/Aug/2010 16:35 - 5109 days ago
Ugandans are very confident and articulate public speakers. On many occasions I have witnessed people being called upon, without...

Back again - 24/Jul/2010 18:05 - 5117 days ago
Back to school after a lovely, long, lazy break in the UK. Suddenly panicked at the thought of a twelve-month stint without anot...

The Switzerland of Africa - 03/Jun/2010 19:20 - 5168 days ago
Just come back from a mind-blowing trip to Rwanda. I first sensed something odd when I stepped out of the bus park in Kigali to ...

Kings and chimpanzees - 06/May/2010 17:23 - 5196 days ago
Busy busy. Three weeks ago the Tooro King, officially the youngest king the world, turned 18. There were massive celebrations sp...

Untitled - 12/Apr/2010 17:38 - 5220 days ago
Sore feet, nice views....

Movies and motorbikes - 12/Apr/2010 17:17 - 5220 days ago
I can’t believe a whole seven weeks have passed since I last updated my blog. And I can’t believe even less - if that’s En...

Little triumphs - 25/Feb/2010 06:53 - 5266 days ago
It’s been a fortnight of small victories, mostly of an IT nature. Firstly, my new computer memory chip arrived in the post aft...

Oh dear - 15/Feb/2010 18:46 - 5276 days ago
Well at risk of sullying the portrait of a worldly-wise, cool-headed and in-control volunteer I have been striving to project ov...

Untitled - 29/Jan/2010 14:56 - 5293 days ago

Slow start - 29/Jan/2010 14:51 - 5293 days ago
Well not an immense amount happened in my first week. I have been presented with a desk - somewhat small and sandwiched between ...

Connected! - 23/Jan/2010 18:37 - 5299 days ago
So the blog entries are coming thick and fast because, after a week of I’m-gonna-throw-this-effing-computer-out-of-the-window-...

New year, new job, new look blog - 23/Jan/2010 18:28 - 5299 days ago
Three weeks in the UK eating, sleeping, taking the dog for muddy walks, throwing snowballs and catching up with the Archers, hav...

Grasshoppers and Ground Zero - 01/Dec/2009 09:32 - 5352 days ago
The latest animal infestation to hit Fort Portal are the grasshoppers. Apparently every November millions of spindly, gawky, fee...

Untitled - 23/Nov/2009 10:04 - 5360 days ago

Piggery Part 2 - 23/Nov/2009 10:00 - 5360 days ago
After months of anticipation, piggery day finally arrived last Saturday. All available VSOs, plus a few extra mazungus, travelle...

Creeping crawlies - 02/Nov/2009 08:02 - 5381 days ago
Perhaps because we’ve hit the deepest, drenching midst of the long rains, over the last few days there has been a sudden abund...

Piggery - 22/Oct/2009 12:28 - 5392 days ago
I didn’t even know piggery was a word until I came to Uganda. Although it sounds like something done behind closed doors – p...

Untitled - 12/Oct/2009 08:29 - 5402 days ago

Mountains and monkeys - 12/Oct/2009 08:10 - 5402 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseMicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {ms...

Graduation - 30/Sep/2009 12:26 - 5414 days ago
Last Fri was second graduation ceremony of 2-year old Mountains of the Moon University. Edward (boyfriend of Celia, another VSO ...

Aerobics Ugandan Style - 29/Sep/2009 07:34 - 5415 days ago
It’s taken me three months to get round to it, but last night I finally dragged myself to one of the 3x weekly aerobics sessio...

Marooned - 23/Sep/2009 14:14 - 5421 days ago
It’s going home time but I am currently marooned in the office because there is a terrifying thunderstorm going on outside. A ...

Riots - 17/Sep/2009 12:02 - 5427 days ago
I am pleased to say that I can now add riots to the catalogue of new experiences I am gathering in Uganda. Actually, that would ...

Strange settlers - 03/Sep/2009 10:03 - 5441 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseMicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {ms...

The earth moved! - 28/Aug/2009 07:34 - 5447 days ago
Last night I had a strange, half-waking dream that a very heavy vehicle was rumbling slowly down the road at the bottom of the g...

Animal encounters - 25/Aug/2009 09:12 - 5450 days ago
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Hot airtime - 18/Aug/2009 12:59 - 5457 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseMicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {ms...

Sprouting - 11/Aug/2009 12:03 - 5464 days ago
They say if you plant a walking stick in the ground in Uganda, within a few days it will be sprouting green shoots. The speed at...

Lake Kanyinga - 04/Aug/2009 09:41 - 5471 days ago
Somewhat strenuous cycle ride plus hike to Lake Kanyinga on Sunday with Jo, fellow fundraiser VSO, and partner Liam. Passed by i...

Big smoke - 04/Aug/2009 07:25 - 5471 days ago
Does time move faster on the equator? It really feels time is accelerating here. I’ve been in Fort Portal for over a month and...

New home - 21/Jul/2009 07:56 - 5485 days ago
So far my job has involved a lot of sitting around in the office, either discussing with Vickie how we can pull RFPJ out of the ...

Living with rubbish - 16/Jul/2009 07:11 - 5490 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseMicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {ms...

Sunday by Lake Saka and Buhara village - 09/Jul/2009 06:34 - 5497 days ago
With VSOs Celia, Hannah, Pat and Richard and Edward from Buhara Village...

"Good Morning Queen, God Bless" - 09/Jul/2009 06:30 - 5497 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"Table Normal"; ...

End of week 1 - 04/Jul/2009 08:36 - 5502 days ago
So end of the first week. It's been quite an illuminating time. I knew that RRPJ have what was euphemistically described to me a...

FP - 30/Jun/2009 11:00 - 5506 days ago
1) My house and garage (home to two gardeners) 2) Breakfast on the veranda 3) RFPJ office 4) 3 months advance allowance (about 5...

Fort Portal - 29/Jun/2009 15:42 - 5507 days ago
It's beautiful, just like everyone said it would be, and strangely like home (drizzle, damp and foggy mornings, and an unexpecte...

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