Title: Thea's Blog (Uganda)

Status: Active

URL: http://thea-uganda.blogspot.com/

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Signing off - 14/May/2011 14:15 - 4823 days ago
My last day in Uganda. Feeling a bit teary. Not very good at farewell speeches (as several people tactfully pointed out after my...

Some things I'm going to miss - 02/May/2011 16:39 - 4835 days ago
Here are some of the sights of Fort Portal I am going to miss:- The‘suit men’ who walk around dressed in 10 jackets one on t...

April already - 31/Mar/2011 15:16 - 4867 days ago
February and March have whizzed past while January was still getting its coat on. I’m kind of disarmed by the insane speed wit...

Rally - 20/Jan/2011 16:17 - 4937 days ago
A couple of weeks ago President Museveni came to Fort Portal in a gigantic helicopter like a ripe avocado. He spent the week giv...

January already - 16/Jan/2011 13:43 - 4941 days ago
A jump of three months. Gone in an eyeblink. Still can’t believe how quickly time passes here. There are only five months left...

Ssesse islands - 15/Oct/2010 12:06 - 5034 days ago

Healthcare - 09/Oct/2010 09:51 - 5040 days ago
Normal0MicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"T...

Rent-a-crowd - 29/Aug/2010 12:48 - 5081 days ago
My first Ugandan introduction ceremony turned out to be a bit of a surreal experience. Surreal because, at an event which is tra...

Chickens - 26/Aug/2010 15:19 - 5084 days ago
Normal0MicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"T...

Public speaking - 01/Aug/2010 16:35 - 5109 days ago
Ugandans are very confident and articulate public speakers. On many occasions I have witnessed people being called upon, without...

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