Title: Zoe Page (
Sierra Leone)
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In Which It's Time For Another Blissful Saturday - 20/Nov/2010 21:17 - 5129 days ago
In the first of a new series may I present5 Fun Facts... About Freetown Cabbies1. They turn off their engines at the first sign ...
In Which This Cow’s Not Laughing - 19/Nov/2010 19:40 - 5130 days ago
7drugs taken (Aspirin, antihistamines, fun Malaria tabs)2breakfast pancakes prepared by Ranjan...1supper of oatmeal prepared by ...
In Which In The Words of Rachel Green, Aren't They A Little Cute / Young To Be Doctors? - 18/Nov/2010 18:42 - 5131 days ago
I am awoken at 5.30am for some traditional style obs– my BP is back to normal, and my pulse is dropping nicely, but my temp is...
In Which It's Time For Hands-On Experience Of Local Healthcare - 18/Nov/2010 07:29 - 5131 days ago
Champion Flies are nasty little blighters. When you swat them, they ooze out an acid that burns your skin and leaves it blistere...
In Which Muslim Holidays Require Bikinis And ABBA...Not So? - 17/Nov/2010 07:25 - 5132 days ago
Yesterday, at 3pm, the president announced today as a public holiday. It’s Eid, which is a moveable feast, but surely someone ...
In Which Things Are Semi, Sort Of, Maybe, Kinda Moving Forward - 16/Nov/2010 07:55 - 5133 days ago
There’s no sugar left, but just as I’m about to tell Alex it’s fine, and I don’t need any in my porridge, she suggests a...
In Which A Sunday Sunset On A Beautiful Beach Is Just Part Of City Life - 15/Nov/2010 07:55 - 5134 days ago
I pass up the offer of tea and biscuits at the British High Commission (plus preceding Remembrance Day service) in favour of a l...
In Which Freetown Life Is Full Of Bliss - 14/Nov/2010 07:06 - 5135 days ago
I look like a poor imitation of a face wash commercial this morning, trying to wash my face by tossing water from a bowl to spla...
In Which Zoë's Free(town) At Last - 13/Nov/2010 07:55 - 5136 days ago
After precisely 50 days in Kenema, I am finally escaping, for a weekend in Freetown. Alex offered me lift back with her, and sin...
In Which If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done, You’ll Always Get What You Always Got - 11/Nov/2010 20:31 - 5138 days ago
There are some things that just seem wrong. Through connections of Tash, Alex and Cheryl in Makeni, I was made aware of a possib...
In Which We’re (Semi) Sure That Eggs Are Eggs - 10/Nov/2010 19:12 - 5139 days ago
Yesterday afternoon the police called to say I had to go back in and‘speak to the boss’. Something tells me VSO has been on ...
In Which When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Go Shopping....Again - 09/Nov/2010 16:51 - 5140 days ago
It’s important to look on the bright side of life. Things could be far worse. I could be stranded in Burkina Faso without acce...
In Which For Beat Ouman Nar Crime - 08/Nov/2010 18:12 - 5141 days ago
You know it’s not going to be that good a day when the power’s gone off by 8am and it’s super cloudy. My morning starts wi...
In Which We're Going On A Scare Hunt... - 07/Nov/2010 20:12 - 5142 days ago
We’re off on a hike. After breakfast we pull on walking shoes, load up on Deet, and set out. Just behind our house there are s...
In Which, On Examination, Zoë Would Make Quite A Good Nurse - 06/Nov/2010 19:48 - 5143 days ago
Vasile and I are both up by 5.30am so heading out at 8.45am feels like mid-morning. We walk along Hangha Road and I discover the...
In Which It's Time To Sink Or Swim - 05/Nov/2010 18:37 - 5144 days ago
Every day is bonfire day here, given that some of our neighbours burn their rubbish 24/7. Given a choice between burning and dum...
In Which Food Allergies Are A Luxury 3rd-World Kids Can’t Afford - 04/Nov/2010 20:13 - 5145 days ago
It is feeding time at the zoo. I mean, feeding day for the malnourished children. I get to the hospital and watch a‘health tal...
In Which A Trip Into Town Is No Walk In The Park - 03/Nov/2010 19:55 - 5146 days ago
I’ve accidentally discovered the stats page on Blogger. And by ‘accidentally discovered’ I mean deliberately went searchin...
In Which It's Never Good When The Babies Are Having Babies - 02/Nov/2010 20:01 - 5147 days ago
Vasile is picked up by her driver in an immaculate 4WD and I blag a lift as far as the cross roads, cutting my half hour walking...
In Which The Greek-Named Gals Have Fabulous Faki - 01/Nov/2010 21:50 - 5148 days ago
After a civilised breakfast a deux of porridge, cinnamon and local honey, Vasile is picked up for work a mere 12 hours after arr...
In Which Zoë May Be A Witch - 01/Nov/2010 06:01 - 5148 days ago
Culture is a funny word. Just say it over and over: culture, culture, culture.Let’s talk about the culture of Sierra Leone. No...
In Which Someone Is A Thief As Well As A Liar - 30/Oct/2010 20:45 - 5150 days ago
It’s amazing how time passes when there are no commercial reminders in the shops. Halloween isn’t done here: no pumpkins, no...
In Which It’s Time To Kick Polio Out Of Sierra Leone - 29/Oct/2010 21:24 - 5151 days ago
As I’m driven out to a Child Health Post, I’m told I’m going to be the team supervisor for the day. I have a nice if borin...
In Which If You’re Not On The List, You’re Not Coming In - 28/Oct/2010 20:17 - 5152 days ago
Today isBring Your Epileptics To(My)Work Day. I arrive at work and find a team from Freetown have arrived to run it. They are le...
In Which It’s All Just A Load Of Rubbish - 27/Oct/2010 23:35 - 5153 days ago
Some important health messages, prominently displayed around the hospital:There are a lot of things we take for granted, like Ru...
In Which You Shouldn’t Need To Be Seven-of-Nine To Understand Seven-of-Nine - 26/Oct/2010 21:45 - 5154 days ago
I have been told today I am being taken to see the Chief, the Mayor and the head of the Police, so I dress accordingly and put o...
In Which The 'Management Specialist' Is Now The Secretary's Secretary - 25/Oct/2010 21:37 - 5155 days ago
Bikes. They’re funny things, y’know? The Ocadas buzz around town like flies and I never have to walk far to find one, even t...
In Which There's A Return Of Two Annoying Creatures - 24/Oct/2010 21:27 - 5156 days ago
My next door neighbours violently beating each other and less violently throwing buckets of water over each other almost puts me...
In Which There's No Failure To Plan, But The Plan Still Fails - 23/Oct/2010 21:08 - 5157 days ago
I have a plan. I am going to go to Capitol and stalk any and all ex-pats there in a nonchalant way. They will be bowled over by ...
In Which The Buying Of Beans Requires Next To No Beans - 23/Oct/2010 06:00 - 5157 days ago
I take a new route into town (exciting! Except the road is, for all intents and purposes, identical to mine) and then veer...
In Which Ice Is Just Frozen Water...Even In Africa - 21/Oct/2010 19:55 - 5159 days ago
Most Outrageous Things Seen On An Ocada Today1. A double mattress2. A big ol’ DHL box of...something3. Various school girls in...
In Which Good Things Come To Those Who....Read? - 20/Oct/2010 20:35 - 5160 days ago
The sole benefit of being all alone in Kenema with no hint of a job: reading time. Books I have enjoyed since coming out:• Min...
In Which Zoë Is Rejected Faster Than An X-Factor Contestant With Visa Issues - 19/Oct/2010 19:10 - 5161 days ago
Message from the British Embassy in Freetown:Wells Cathedral School Choir Mini ConcertMembers of the British community are invit...
In Which A Kangaroo-Impersonating-Goat Is Not The Strangest Sight Of The Day - 18/Oct/2010 19:24 - 5162 days ago
The IRC Team Meeting is scheduled for 8.30am. I am there at 8.15. It finally starts at 9am. The different supervisors update on ...
In Which It All Beggars Belief - 17/Oct/2010 18:35 - 5163 days ago
Last night I left one of my sheets soaking as I went to sleep, which means when I wake up at 2am freezing, I don’t have anythi...
In Which African Adverts Are Awesomely Amusing - 16/Oct/2010 20:54 - 5164 days ago
This morning when I get up I put on a Primark tee, some Sainsburys shorts, and my MBTs. This is clearly an eye catching outfit a...
In Which The Only Thing Missing Are The Lemon Soaked Paper Napkins - 15/Oct/2010 22:51 - 5165 days ago
I eat breakfast before remembering the bananas might be toxic. Whoops. I also find a dead cockroach in the living room where I s...
In Which A Clear Lack Of Interest IRCs A Bit - 14/Oct/2010 23:35 - 5166 days ago
My work ethic is shocking. I decide about 9am it might be worth ambling into work (a 30 minute stroll) so set off. This is what ...
In Which The Power Of 3 Seems Too Confusing For Some - 13/Oct/2010 19:33 - 5167 days ago
Very Important People are in town to deliver training, so the‘in charges’ for each of the Chiefdoms are all sitting in the m...
In Which C=(F-32)x 5/9 - 12/Oct/2010 19:14 - 5168 days ago
We have no electricity over night, and I wake up clammy. The internet is also down. Ho hum. I walk to work wishing one of the 3 ...
In Which It's 3rd Time Semi-Lucky With The First Day At Work - 12/Oct/2010 06:50 - 5168 days ago
I try to make this, my 3rd attempt at a first day at work, a little different. I start the morning with porridge. That always us...
In Which Cookie Roulette Is The Name Of The Game - 10/Oct/2010 20:28 - 5170 days ago
In Mexico when you go for a walk, around every corner there’s a Circle K or a 7eleven or an Oxxo. When I finally get round to ...
In Which There Are Three Types Of People In The World: Salones, Lebanese and Pumwis - 10/Oct/2010 06:22 - 5170 days ago
Maria has decided to stay in Kenema until the very last moment. She’s flying out at 11pm tomorrow but not heading to Freetown ...
In Which There Are 16 Very Good Reasons To Love Maria - 08/Oct/2010 20:48 - 5172 days ago
Maria is leaving and I am sad, but in a slightly superficial way, the pain is lessened when she comes over with some goodies inc...
In Which Zoë Gains A Matching Bedroom Suite From Circa 1976 - 08/Oct/2010 05:38 - 5172 days ago
I have 7 missed calls from Junior before 8am. I honestly don’t hear, as I’m listening to the World Service on my wind up (ge...
In Which Hard Work Requires A Lemony Reward - 06/Oct/2010 20:50 - 5174 days ago
So, I’m up early because the neighbourhood dogs (of whom there are dozens) decide to join in the call to prayer, baying away a...
In Which There Is Every Day A Little Death - 05/Oct/2010 18:55 - 5175 days ago
I am walking to work when a child collars me. He greets me and then walks beside me for a while despite my cheery yet firm,“Go...
In Which It’s The First Day Of Work...But There’s Little Work To Do - 05/Oct/2010 06:31 - 5175 days ago
It is my first day of work in over 2 months. Maria walks me in and even dawdling we get there at 8.45am. I have been told, by th...
In Which Junior Flashes Zoë, and She Flashes Him Back - 04/Oct/2010 06:30 - 5176 days ago
It’s Sunday, the day of rest. So, in a country where the Muslim majority and Christian minority allegedly coexist peacefully, ...
In Which People Talk The Talk But Still Nothing Gets Done - 02/Oct/2010 21:19 - 5178 days ago
There is a massive spider in my sink this morning, and while it doesn’t seem to like the insecticide I lob at it, it takes a s...
In Which Apparently Prayer Is The Answer To And Cause Of, Well, Everything - 02/Oct/2010 06:42 - 5178 days ago
I know it’s pointless, but I’m up and packed for 6.30am. When the driver arrives at 7am, I almost consider him on time. We l...
In Which Home Sweet Home Is A Friggin’ Big House - 01/Oct/2010 03:00 - 5179 days ago
Though we don’t know why, Theresa has told Maria I am to be ready by 8.30am, but I am awake way before, and at 7am crawl out f...
In Which The Best Diet Tip Involves The Bumpiest Of Roads In The Hottest Of Climates - 29/Sep/2010 17:14 - 5181 days ago
After a reasonable night’s sleep all things considered (all things, in this case, being torrential rain, an unfamiliar room wi...
In Which The Road Trip Begins - 28/Sep/2010 17:12 - 5182 days ago
I am supposed to be being collected at 5.30am so am up and out of my room by then, though don’t hand in my room key, just in c...
In Which Zoë 101 Gets One Final Day On The Air (Con) - 27/Sep/2010 21:11 - 5183 days ago
The one morning I need to look respectable, there’s no hot water (and my dry shampoo is packed somewhere). *Sigh* Then we go f...
In Which We (Don't) Bless The Rains Down In Africa - 26/Sep/2010 20:42 - 5184 days ago
It’s raining when I get up but I still want pancakes so head out up the road to Doorway, a restaurant/nightclub across from VS...
In Which We See Sites and Sights - 26/Sep/2010 06:46 - 5184 days ago
Today is tour day. We meet at VSO and eventually our ride shows up. It’s pretty sweet – plastic covered seats, windows with ...
In Which The Sun Sets on ICT - 25/Sep/2010 06:01 - 5185 days ago
At 7.30am my room phone rings. I contemplate not answering it (the last time it rang, at stupid o’clock, there was no one on t...
In Which We Become Overnight Millionaires - 24/Sep/2010 06:33 - 5186 days ago
Our Krio text has the most random mix of vocabulary ever. In fact, the words often make almost complete sentences in the order t...
In Which Tide Wi Lan Krio Small Small - 22/Sep/2010 20:35 - 5188 days ago
The spraying / window closing / air conditioning of my room seem to have worked. I only have two new bites this morning, randoml...
In Which We (Accidentally) Make A Taxi Driver Very Happy - 22/Sep/2010 06:33 - 5188 days ago
Air conditioning was clearly a first night treat, but luckily there is some electricity all night so my fan stays on. Despite De...
In Which TIA No Longer Refers To Strokes - 20/Sep/2010 09:06 - 5190 days ago
Waking at 6.30am is quite sensible, except when you’ve been up until 2am and don’t actually need to rise until 10am. Oh well...
In Which Anything Dr Em Can Do, Zoë Can Do Better - 19/Sep/2010 09:04 - 5191 days ago
I get the shuttle to the Terminal building, which is only round the corner, but in my defence it’s 5.30am, raining and my lugg...
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