Title: Why Did the Tofu Cross the Road (India)

Status: Active

URL: http://whydidthetofucrosstheroad.blogspot.com/

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Blame it on the black star. - 24/Nov/2010 18:56 - 5042 days ago
Final Orissa getawayMy last weekend in India I decided to take a trip with some expats to a Tibetan refugee area Monastery hidde...

Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel. - 15/Nov/2010 18:39 - 5051 days ago
OAB UpdateThings are winding down at work. I spent the last few weeks training visually impaired members how to use the software...

I can't tell where the canvas stops. - 31/Oct/2010 19:37 - 5066 days ago
Trip to West Bengal and SikkimAbout month after being back in country after my trip to Canada, myself and five other brave volun...

Road rules apply. - 08/Oct/2010 09:27 - 5089 days ago
OAB UpdateAfter two weeks back to work I have won my battle with my NGO and they provided a computer for me that will host my jo...

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes. Saying "AYO!" Gotta let go! I want to celebrate and live my life. Saying "AYO!" Baby let's go! - 20/Sep/2010 08:44 - 5107 days ago
Home and Back AgainAfter a much need hiatus back in my home country I have returned to Bhubaneswar now more motivated and focuse...

I watch you braid your hair, you're from another time when the earth wasn't so angry and god was on our side. - 15/Aug/2010 08:02 - 5143 days ago
Social Work for Persons with Disabilities Book LaunchOn the 7th of August my dear friend and workmate Prangya Behera released a ...

I drove five-hundred thousand miles to find a world unlike my own and now the middle of nowhere seems like my home. - 31/Jul/2010 09:05 - 5158 days ago
Bakul School Foundation Canadian Story TimeJuly 17th was my debut as the Canadian story time teller. I made a power point presen...

The choo-choo train left right on time. A ticket costs only your mind. - 26/Jul/2010 03:54 - 5163 days ago
Rath YatraJuly 13th was the festival ofRath Yatrawhich centres around Lord Jagannath. This festival recreates a trip that the go...

I see your true colours shining through... - 19/Jul/2010 07:07 - 5170 days ago
Bhubaneswar PRIDESaturday the 3rd was a busy day. On my way to meet with my friend Sujit to discuss my future story telling at h...

People don't dance no more, they just stand there like this. They cross their arms and stare you down and drink and moan and dis. - 07/Jul/2010 12:05 - 5182 days ago
IPAP MeetingLucy, Jen and I all attended an meeting for IPAP( International Partnerships Agreement Programme) which equates to a...

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