Title: Really Out There Experience (Indonesia)

Status: Active

URL: http://roteindonesia.blogspot.com/

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The Next Adventure - 07/Jul/2010 12:45 - 5134 days ago
Well with less than two weeks to go before I set off for my second placement I have found time to set up my next blog. If you wi...

Time to go home .. Time for reflection - 26/May/2010 14:59 - 5176 days ago
20 May 2010As I am about to exitIndonesiaI though it was important to think about what I will miss and what I will gladly leave ...

Long ferry journey - 26/May/2010 14:54 - 5176 days ago
14– 16 May 2010The earliest I could get a plane fromSumbawas 21 May so I decided to take theferry, so after 6 hours on a bus I...

Ikat - 26/May/2010 14:38 - 5176 days ago
Ikat is a form of weaving where a resistdyeing process similar to tie-dying is used on either the warp or weft fibres prior to t...

Sumba - 26/May/2010 14:08 - 5176 days ago
6– 14 May 2010I had a great time in East Sumba and had just started to explore West Sumba when I received an email from VSO of...

Return to Rote - 26/May/2010 14:07 - 5176 days ago
27 April– 4 May 2010I decided to go back to Rote whilst I waited the decision on my visa extension. Chilpa had kindly offered ...

Visa Extension - 23/May/2010 21:13 - 5179 days ago
Since February this year it has been possible to extend the visa on arrival by a farther 30 days– but this means hanging aroun...

Alor - 11/May/2010 07:05 - 5191 days ago
20– 22 April 2010 I exitedFloresfrom Ende after a three hour delay due to torrential rain and strong winds which made...

Riung - 11/May/2010 06:58 - 5191 days ago
16– 18 April 2010 It took me two days of travelling to get from Labuan Bajo to Riung which is on the north coast ofFl...

Riung - 11/May/2010 06:56 - 5191 days ago
16– 18 April 2010 It took me two days of travelling to get from Labuan Bajo to Riung which is on the north coast ofFl...

Riung - 11/May/2010 06:51 - 5191 days ago
16– 18 April 2010 It took me two days of travelling to get from Labuan Bajo to Riung which is on the north coast ofFl...

Labuan Bajo - 22/Apr/2010 10:02 - 5210 days ago
10– 14 April 2010 I took the slow ferry from Sape to Labuan Bajo– 8 hours. I had sinusitis so was not at my bes...

Sumbawa - 19/Apr/2010 19:40 - 5213 days ago
9 April 2010 I had wanted to fly direct to Labuan Bajo on the western tip of Flores– which is the place to get boats ...

Kuala Lumpa - Malaysia - 19/Apr/2010 19:39 - 5213 days ago
2– 7 April 2010 The Malaysian F1 Grand Prix was timed perfectly to fit in with the need to renew my visa forIndonesia...

Jakarta - 19/Apr/2010 18:46 - 5213 days ago
31 March– 1 April 2010 After a couple of days in Yogyakarta I travelled toJakartato stay with Dr Justine and her fami...

Surabaya - 19/Apr/2010 03:50 - 5213 days ago
26– 28 March 2010 I travelled fromMalangtoSurabayaby economy train 4,500Rp (30p) for a 4 hour journey. This was even ...

Malang - 19/Apr/2010 03:27 - 5213 days ago
23– 25 March 2010 Travelling toMalangby public bus got me off the tourist route again. The public bus was great fun a...

Gunung Bromo - 26/Mar/2010 03:31 - 5237 days ago
21 - 22 March 2010Well I expected to arrive in Cemoro Lawang on the edge of the crater overlooking Gunung Bromo yesterday but my...

Bali barat - 24/Mar/2010 13:20 - 5239 days ago
17– 19 Maret 2010 Travelling the day after Nyepi was not the brightest idea the roads were very busy with people head...

Ubud for Nyepi - 24/Mar/2010 13:19 - 5239 days ago
15– 16 March 2010 For details of Nyepi read entries for March 2009 earlier in my blog. This year the ogoh-ogoh (...

Lovina - 24/Mar/2010 12:44 - 5239 days ago
11– 14 March 2010 Lovina is an area in the north ofBaliconsisting of several villages along the main road. It has a n...

Singapore - visa run - 17/Mar/2010 02:04 - 5246 days ago
5-6 March 2010My contract with VSO ended as I was unable to extend my visa to work in Indonesia due to issues with the Memorandu...

Finishing my contract with VSO - 17/Mar/2010 01:50 - 5246 days ago
The next few days were spent sorting out the final end of placement issues with VSO and putting my luggage into storage at the o...

Farewell to Rote - 17/Mar/2010 01:32 - 5246 days ago
26 February 2010Today was spent giving away things that John did not want and I could not afford to or did not need to send back...

Farewwell party - 16/Mar/2010 23:40 - 5247 days ago
25 February 2010 Today saw most of the nurses working in and around the hospital kitchen preparing food for my leaving part...

Another party - 16/Mar/2010 14:46 - 5247 days ago
22 February 2010 Tonight saw yet another party this time for Om Jek’s kakak (older brother). More speeches, eating, d...

Exploring further - 16/Mar/2010 14:25 - 5247 days ago
21 February 2010Today I again set off across the island from north to south taking random right and left turns and had some most...

Neonatal unit - 16/Mar/2010 08:14 - 5247 days ago
20 February 2010 The new incubator was put to use for the first time today. A premature baby who had been born at home had ...

Pesta Selamat Ulang Tahun Ferlyn - 16/Mar/2010 08:08 - 5247 days ago
17 February 2010Today is Ferlyn’s 25thbirthday and again she is having a party at the mess. Nixon came over in the afternoon t...

Jalan-jalan - 16/Mar/2010 07:56 - 5247 days ago
16 February 2010I had borrowed the motorbike to go to the market in the morning so took the opportunity it afforded me to explor...

Children - 16/Mar/2010 07:22 - 5247 days ago
There are a lot of children who live in the complex and an increasing number have been coming to play on my porch or in the fron...

Busalangga pasar - 13/Mar/2010 11:21 - 5250 days ago
10 February 2010 Busaalangga has a large market twice a week and I try to go at least once a week as the range of vegetable...

Tolama - 13/Mar/2010 11:18 - 5250 days ago
8 February 2010 John is still in Kupang– he had been there to do work with Sam on a database for medical records but ...

Abbreviations - 13/Mar/2010 11:06 - 5250 days ago
Officialdom inIndonesiais full of abbreviations that if you do not know what they are you have very little way of working it out...

Alcohol - 21/Feb/2010 00:33 - 5270 days ago
Beer is relatively expensive a bottle of Bintang– the only one worth drinking will cost around 25,000 Rp. A 750 cc bottle ...

RIP Arthur 6 months 1 day - 13/Feb/2010 06:54 - 5278 days ago
3 February 2010After an illness of only 5 days Arthur Leopold Christian died in VIP ward at 14:30. He was the only child of the ...

Work - 07/Feb/2010 12:52 - 5284 days ago
With my date for leaving rapidly approaching I am finding work spilling over into leisure time as I try to finish all the things...

Kamar Mandi - 23/Jan/2010 02:16 - 5299 days ago
20 January 2010It has been relatively cool recently as we have had a lot of rain– 5 days with hardly a break in the rain o...

Kamar Mandi - 23/Jan/2010 01:06 - 5299 days ago
20 January 2010It has been relatively cool recently as we have had a lot of rain– 5 days with hardly a break in the rain o...

Malaria - 21/Jan/2010 15:02 - 5301 days ago
12 January 2010I had been suffering with a headache for a couple of days but as John had as I well I did not really think anythi...

Malaria - 17/Jan/2010 10:50 - 5305 days ago
12 January 2010I had been suffering with a headache for a couple of days but so had John so had not really thought anything of i...

Exchange of Presents - 17/Jan/2010 10:50 - 5305 days ago
All the wards have a gathering sometime around Christmas to exchange gifts. Last year I was invited to the events but not invite...

Abdurrahman Wahid - 17/Jan/2010 10:50 - 5305 days ago
Sometime over New Year Abdurrahman Wahid died aged 69 years.Wahid, or Gus Dur as he was also known, was part of a prominent and ...

Natural Resources - 17/Jan/2010 10:50 - 5305 days ago
Rote has some of the most beautiful and peaceful beaches I have ever been on but they are under treat from sand extraction. My t...

Natural Resources - 02/Jan/2010 09:52 - 5320 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONEMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"T...

Road Closed - 02/Jan/2010 09:50 - 5320 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONEMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"T...

Christmas - 02/Jan/2010 09:49 - 5320 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONEMicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.Mso...

Motorbike Maintenance - 02/Jan/2010 09:46 - 5320 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONEMicrosoftInternetExplorer4st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) }/* Style Definitions */ table.Mso...

Christmas decorations - 02/Jan/2010 09:45 - 5320 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONEMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"T...

New beds and other improvements - 02/Jan/2010 09:42 - 5320 days ago
14 December 2009Before I left for my holiday and the study tour new blue curtains were being put up throughout the hospital. On ...

Study Tour to RSUD Johannes Kupang - 30/Dec/2009 08:54 - 5323 days ago
Normal0falsefalsefalseEN-USX-NONEX-NONEMicrosoftInternetExplorer4/* Style Definitions */ table.MsoNormalTable {mso-style-name:"T...

Five days travelling for a party - 30/Dec/2009 08:53 - 5323 days ago
1– 6 DecemberThe number of volunteers in Indonesia continues to fall with another group leaving before Christmas. There was at...

Police Certificate and Bureaucracy as only the Indonesians can do it - 18/Dec/2009 15:22 - 5335 days ago
November and December 2009As part of my clearance for another VSOplacement I need to acquire a police letter of good behaviourâ€...

Photographs - or lack of them - 11/Dec/2009 07:27 - 5342 days ago
I apologise that I have not added any photographs to the blog for a while. This time it is not due to poor internet access but d...

Drought - What drought? - 28/Nov/2009 07:59 - 5355 days ago
27 November 2009Well yet again the presshas got it wrong– the last four days we have had at least one rain storm a day and tod...

Water and Sanitation - 24/Nov/2009 00:15 - 5359 days ago
The local paper‘The Kupang Post’ recently reported problems of inadequate water and sanitation in and around Baa....

Drought - 23/Nov/2009 04:41 - 5360 days ago
The local paper‘The Kupang Post’ recently reported the impending drought in the region. ‘The Indonesian Bureau of Meteorol...

Volley Ball - 22/Nov/2009 07:12 - 5361 days ago
19 November 2009Tonight saw the finals of the volley ball contest that hasbeen running for about two weeks. I was invited down t...

Road Works - 21/Nov/2009 12:39 - 5362 days ago
November 2009On several occasions I havementioned the poor state of the roads inIndonesiaand particularly on Rote. There are the...

Fishing - 18/Nov/2009 15:08 - 5365 days ago
14 November 2009About 18:00 I had a text message from Octo to say a groupof doctors were going to go fishing tonight and did I w...

Picnic on the Beach - 04/Nov/2009 05:19 - 5379 days ago
1 November 2009This morning some of the nurses from the mess called round to invite me to a picnic on the beach this afternoon. ...

Pesta - 31/Oct/2009 15:34 - 5383 days ago
30 October 2009Rote might not have any pubs, night clubs or actually anywhere that opens much after 20:30 but it makes up for th...

Money - 26/Oct/2009 08:36 - 5388 days ago
The local currency is Rupiah (Rp). Theconversion rate whilst I have been here has varied between about 15,500 and 17,500 Rp to t...

Soe - 26/Oct/2009 08:27 - 5388 days ago
7– 19 October 2009October has been a month of disappointments. The latest is that John has been told the motorbike he borrowed...

Jalan-Jalan - 14/Oct/2009 00:14 - 5400 days ago
11 October 2009I decided to try to explore the north of the island today– so far I haveonly gone south and west on the bike. I...

Is this the end of my dream? - 07/Oct/2009 03:55 - 5407 days ago
30 September 2009 VSO used to work under the auspices of the British Council but for at least the last twelve months VSO ha...

International Surfing Competition - 28/Sep/2009 04:33 - 5416 days ago
15– 20 September2009Nembrala (Dela) hosted the 2009 International Surfing Competition this week.Seventy-seven surfers came to ...

Kupang a Weekend of Meetings - 28/Sep/2009 04:28 - 5416 days ago
10– 14 September 2009Many of VSOs health programme volunteers across NTT have been supported by money from GTZ whose programme...

Ndao– an Island Paradise? - 09/Sep/2009 10:44 - 5435 days ago
4 - 6 September 2009Well normally when I write my blog I can easily select a reasonable number of photographs that sum up the su...

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