Title: Wonderous Wanderland (
Burkina Faso)
Status: Active
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Alive and kicking! - 08/Sep/2011 21:32 - 4837 days ago
Some people are starting to wonder whether I have disappeared from this planet! It is true I have been very quiet - too quiet ad...
"ça fait deux jours!" - 13/Jul/2011 08:31 - 4894 days ago
When people haven’t seen each other in a while they greet each other like this, meaning...it has been a while :-). And it has!...
My house in Ouaga - 28/Jun/2011 13:47 - 4909 days ago
Inevitably people are curious to know what life is really like here for us volunteers. I get a lot of questions on how I live, e...
Here comes the rain.... - 19/Jun/2011 18:17 - 4918 days ago
Finally and very slowly the wet season is starting. Once or twice a week now we have quite a bit of rain coming down, accompanie...
Tiebele&Nazinga - 30/May/2011 19:16 - 4938 days ago
Tiebele, 21 May 2011In the south of Burkina, very close to the Ghanaian border lies a tiny village called Tiebele where you can ...
Work - 20/May/2011 16:28 - 4948 days ago
People keep asking me what it is exactly that I’m doing now, work wise. Starting to get settled in - and after all the tourist...
Koubri....A picture tale - 03/May/2011 08:22 - 4965 days ago
At about 30km to the South of Ouaga:Hidden within a quiet forest, the friendly yoghourt-making nuns of La monastère des Be...
Easter 'à la Bobolais' - 26/Apr/2011 08:42 - 4972 days ago
As we all really needed a break from Ouaga, from the heat, the naughty military, the curfews,...(euhm....naturally one might say...
Couvre-feu - 17/Apr/2011 12:18 - 4981 days ago
It was already the fifth night since our arrival that the government announced an official curfew, this time starting at 7pm til...
La fin des vacances! - 13/Apr/2011 08:22 - 4985 days ago
The context?Last week monday I had an appointment at the VSO office to talk about my job - or at least the fact that I didn’t ...
Power to/for the people! - 28/Mar/2011 16:21 - 5001 days ago
Sunday morning - 27th March 2011, 7am. There is no electricity in the house. Not that this is anything new but the past week the...
Under siege - 23/Mar/2011 18:58 - 5006 days ago
Last night I had a very brief glimpse of what it must feel like living in a conflict zone. Gunfire rang just outside the flat fo...
A day out with the elephants of Boromo - 21/Mar/2011 13:38 - 5008 days ago
Dedicated to Frieke, Birgit& Sybille.....with whom I shared five amazing days of frantic searching for elephants - a ghost h...
Integration, or how to‘wriggle’ your way in - 18/Mar/2011 18:18 - 5011 days ago
Day 33 in Africa - coincidentally - and I still haven’t managed to have my first workday. Things work differently here. Slower...
Say it with a postcard.... - 16/Mar/2011 17:01 - 5013 days ago
Orders can be submitted on 'From Burkina with love....' :-)!...
A quick guide to Burkinabé life - 14/Mar/2011 20:15 - 5015 days ago
Some peculiarities, tips, things that jump out and which I want to write down before I get too accustomed to notice :-).washing ...
Denise - 14/Mar/2011 19:38 - 5015 days ago
We have a 'femme de menage'. Her name is Denise, she's 26 and has a 4-year old boy called Frédérique. They both live at her mu...
“Le canari” - 03/Mar/2011 14:36 - 5026 days ago
I rescued a clay pot/vase the other night. We did a little ride onKris's brand new motor bike, me on the back for the first time...
Ouagadougou - 03/Mar/2011 14:29 - 5026 days ago
Maybe it's time I put down some thoughts and first impressions aboutone of the world's most beautifully named capitals.Apart fro...
Hakuna matata.....or how to relax African-style??? - 03/Mar/2011 13:27 - 5026 days ago
1st March, 10am - I've been up for more than 3 hours, had two cups of coffee, breakfast and a shower. The sun's getting stronger...
Life as it is: the market....in mooré - 24/Feb/2011 13:30 - 5033 days ago
Ne yibeogoKibareMaana wàna? Laafi!Maam data mui ne geba la gelaôn pass koomSeka me? Yn ye, barka!Fâ ya wâna? A ligda ya kobg...
In country training - 21/Feb/2011 20:02 - 5036 days ago
Last thursday we finally started the so called 'In country training or ICT'. The purpose of this training is to help us settle i...
L'odeur de l'Afrique... - 16/Feb/2011 12:14 - 5041 days ago
Only a short 6 hour flight from Paris and here we are, on African soil. People keep asking us what our first impressions are but...
46 kilo's....my life in a 'strap-o-nutshell' - 14/Feb/2011 00:42 - 5043 days ago
One suitcase, one backpack, one day bag.....the apotheosis of the roller coaster ride of the crazy, stressful, emotional, hectic...
'A fine balance...' - 20/Jan/2011 00:27 - 5068 days ago
It all started with - what seemed to be - a fairly simple and straightforward'what-to-do' list. Nothing special in itself. Even ...
A farewell....and a beginning - 14/Jan/2011 20:07 - 5074 days ago
Exactly three long weeks after I returned the Placement Analysis Form (PAF in short), and only a few days after the final - and ...
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