Title: Sarah Easter (Vietnam)

Status: Active

URL: http://sarahsvietnamadventure.blogspot.com/

All Posts Cached via RSS

Last Days in Hue - 14/Dec/2010 19:26 - 4974 days ago
What do you do when you only have a few days left in a place you have come to love and appreciate??Here's what I did during my l...

People Make All the Difference - 11/Dec/2010 12:00 - 4977 days ago
I have loved my time in Vietnam for countless reasons, from the amazing food (that I'm sure you haven't heard enough about:) and...

Weekends Were Made for Countryside Motorbike Trips - 07/Dec/2010 15:55 - 4981 days ago

Ninh Binh - 03/Dec/2010 06:35 - 4985 days ago
I have been itching to get out and experience more of the beautiful Vietnamese countryside before I leave in just a few short we...

An American Thanksgiving...in Vietnam - 29/Nov/2010 03:45 - 4989 days ago
As I have mentioned on this blog too many times to count, I love food. I also love celebrations and holidays. So, naturally I ha...

A Flooded Hue - 18/Nov/2010 07:13 - 5000 days ago
What do you do when you need to make an emergency visit to the office and your street is completely flooded? Well, just call ove...

Vietnamese Weddings - 11/Nov/2010 14:14 - 5007 days ago
This past week, I was a Vietnamese bridesmaid for the second time since arriving in Vietnam (who would have thought?). After att...

A Hue Halloween - 01/Nov/2010 12:05 - 5017 days ago
I love eating candy, dressing up and getting scared, so naturally I also love Halloween. Even though people here don't actually ...

Vietnamese Cooking 101 - 25/Oct/2010 14:43 - 5024 days ago
One of the great things about being a foreign volunteer living in a relatively small Vietnamese city is that I get the opportuni...

Just Another Fun Weekend In Hue - 19/Oct/2010 05:46 - 5030 days ago
Weekends in Hue are a time to....Go to an INGO Happy Hour with representation from over seven countriesCelebrate a friend's birt...

What I Love Most About Hue - 14/Oct/2010 06:52 - 5035 days ago
It's a shame that many foreign tourists in Vietnam breeze through the city of Hue without even touching the surface as to what t...

Untitled - 10/Oct/2010 07:20 - 5039 days ago
This past week I traveled with some of the Hope Center staff to Hoi An to take part in a week long product development workshop ...

Getting Around the Vietnamese Way - 01/Oct/2010 15:40 - 5048 days ago
When I first arrived in Vietnam, I was more than a little apprehensive about navigating through traffic as a pedestrian, let alo...

Mid Autumn Festival - 23/Sep/2010 10:03 - 5056 days ago
This week Vietnam is celebrating the Mid Autumn Festival, the country's biggest holiday for children. The celebration is filled ...

Karaoke - Vietnamese Style - 17/Sep/2010 05:36 - 5062 days ago
Now that I have three months and counting left in Vietnam, I am starting to get a little nostalgic about some of the things that...

Cambodia - 09/Sep/2010 05:50 - 5070 days ago
Since arriving in Vietnam nearly eight months ago, I have heard a great deal from other volunteers and passing travelers about t...

Taking Success in the Small Things - 18/Aug/2010 09:29 - 5092 days ago
Before I left the US for this adventure in Vietnam, I asked those in my life who I greatly respect and who have had internationa...

An Indulgent Weekend - 11/Aug/2010 07:40 - 5099 days ago
I enjoy living in the slower-paced, beautiful and provincial city of Hue, but sometimes it is nice to get away for a bit to the ...

A Busy, Busy But Good Week - 02/Aug/2010 06:33 - 5108 days ago
This past week, my dear VSO friend from Hanoi, Pat, was in Hue to conduct some disability mainstreaming courses both with the Ho...

Work Trip in the Northern Provinces - 17/Jul/2010 15:50 - 5124 days ago
This past week, I traveled with representatives from my partner organization, VVAF, to some of the provinces north of Hanoi, Nam...

Hope Center Trip to the Beach - 17/Jul/2010 15:27 - 5124 days ago
About four times a year the Hope Center employees take a break from sowing garments and constructing handicrafts to participate ...

Resortmania - 15/Jul/2010 13:36 - 5126 days ago
I had heard Phuket described as Resortmania before my visit and I have to say that I agree with this assessment completely. It w...

All Things Thai - 15/Jul/2010 12:49 - 5126 days ago
Last week I traveled with one of my Vietnamese friends to Thailand, a country I have wanted to visit for quite some time. This w...

More Pictures - Friends Visit to Hue - 30/Jun/2010 14:42 - 5141 days ago
Even though it was extremely hot during the timeframe that my Florida friends were in Hue, we still managed to have a lot of fun...

And The Heat Is On - 29/Jun/2010 14:23 - 5142 days ago
In the months leading up to the hot Hue summer, I was warned repeatedly by my friends that I needed to prepare myself for the ex...

Phu Quoc Island - 24/Jun/2010 13:17 - 5147 days ago
Prior to visiting Phu Quoc island, I had read that this destination is a beautiful, relaxing beach getaway -- a few years ago, o...

Floridians Invade HCMC - 24/Jun/2010 12:09 - 5147 days ago
My first experience in Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) occurred in April when I traveled down south with my interpreter and supervisor f...

Reflections - 06/Jun/2010 07:04 - 5165 days ago
It is hard to believe that I have been living in Vietnam for nearly 5 months! In fact, this Friday will mark my 5 month annivers...

Unexpected Trip to Hanoi - 01/Jun/2010 06:15 - 5170 days ago
A few weeks ago I began working on my work permit and visa renewal process as my Vietnamese visa will expire at the beginning of...

New Home - 22/May/2010 07:38 - 5180 days ago
A little over a month ago, my roommate and I moved to a new house as a result of the theft incident at our old location. While l...

Family Visit to Asia - Part 3 - 22/May/2010 06:47 - 5180 days ago
I have now spent over four months living and working in Vietnam which has included taking part in customs and traditions that ar...

Family Visit to Asia - Part 2 - 22/May/2010 06:29 - 5180 days ago
After spending four busy days in Singapore, we headed to China Beach, a famous beach in Central Vietnam very close to the city o...

Family Visit to Asia - Part 1 - 21/May/2010 03:41 - 5181 days ago
Last week I met my parents and sister in Singapore. I have been feeling a little homesick for the familiar these past few weeks,...

Relaxing Mountain Getaway - 04/May/2010 11:58 - 5198 days ago
After a few stressful weeks in Hue, including the theft, my illness and some work challenges, I was very excited that we had a f...

Celebrating 26 Years In Vietnam - 21/Apr/2010 13:06 - 5211 days ago
Yesterday I celebrated my 26th birthday in Vietnam. Reflecting back on yesterday's events, I can say that my friends here truly ...

Blessings in the Storm - 18/Apr/2010 07:57 - 5214 days ago
Have you ever had one of those weeks in which case a lot of things seemed to go wrong, one thing after another, kind of like a s...

International Fireworks Festival - 04/Apr/2010 14:47 - 5228 days ago
Last weekend I traveled to the industrial city of Da Nang with some friends for the international fireworks festival. While ther...

Working Abroad - 31/Mar/2010 08:13 - 5232 days ago
Most of my blog posts thus far have focused on all of the fun things I have been experiencing in Vietnam outside the work arena....

A Fun Weekend - 24/Mar/2010 15:05 - 5239 days ago
This past weekend, my dear VSO friend from Hanoi came down for a visit. Despite our age gap (she's in her 50s and I'm in my 20s)...

Visiting the Real Vietnam - 23/Mar/2010 14:10 - 5240 days ago
I have always loved traveling and experiencing the sights, tastes, sounds and smells that make a particular corner of the world ...

Getting Around Town in True Vietnamese Fashion - 14/Mar/2010 06:35 - 5249 days ago
Before I arrived in Vietnam, I read all about how the main form of transportation is by way of motorbike (or more like off roadi...

Becoming a Vietnamese Bridesmaid - 28/Feb/2010 15:35 - 5263 days ago
Recently, I had the opportunity to truly experience the Vietnamese culture as it relates to weddings. One of my new friends here...

Making New Friends - 28/Feb/2010 15:21 - 5263 days ago
I feel very fortunate in that I have been able to make some great friends here in the short time since I have been in Hue -- and...

Hoi An Pictures - 28/Feb/2010 09:08 - 5263 days ago
Since I was unable to include images of Hoi An in my last post due to space, I wanted to include some here as they are certainly...

Tet Holiday - 28/Feb/2010 08:39 - 5263 days ago
Tet is the biggest holiday here in Vietnam and it just so happened that the incoming volunteers, including myself, arrived at ou...

Home for the Next Year - 26/Feb/2010 13:59 - 5265 days ago
The other VSO volunteer and I recently moved into our new home for the next year. We are extremely fortunate in that the other v...

Reconnected - 26/Feb/2010 13:39 - 5265 days ago
I apologize my communication has been very sparse the past couple of weeks. It is certainly not due to a lack of activities and ...

My First Week In Hue - 05/Feb/2010 05:35 - 5286 days ago
Tomorrow will mark my one week anniversary in Hue, my home for the next year. Sitting here at the computer, reflecting on the pa...

Farewell Hanoi, Hello Hue - 28/Jan/2010 14:59 - 5294 days ago
It is hard to believe that I have been in Hanoi for nearly three weeks and that tomorrow will conclude the training portion of m...

More Hanoi Pictures from the Weekend - 25/Jan/2010 00:04 - 5297 days ago

Some Things Familiar, Some Things New - 23/Jan/2010 15:04 - 5299 days ago
The second week of in country training has flown by and I cannot believe that next Saturday I will be leaving for my placement i...

Second Week in Vietnam - 19/Jan/2010 12:39 - 5303 days ago
So, I have begun my second full week in Vietnam and it is going well so far. My Vietnamese is progressing and I am finding that ...

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